“If Trend Continues, Flu To Have Larger Numbers of Hospitalizations and Deaths Than COVID”

Sent to Donna Garner by well-respected medical doctor and researcher in Colorado

A group of people sitting around a table with papers.



According to the CDC, 2,167,730 have died in the U.S. during 2020 (all causes).

200,499 people are suspected to have died from COVID-19, and about 120,000 more have died from non-COVID pneumonia or flu. Roughly 10% of all deaths in the U.S. in 2020 are estimated to have been linked to COVID-19.  

The same CDC data reveals that the week of April 18, 2020 was our worst week with 17,069 deaths from COVID-19.  A total of 76,581 died that week (from all causes).  That week, 22% of deaths in the U.S. were attributed to COVID-19.

During the week of September 26, 2020, the CDC reports 2,530 people died with COVID-19. 44,550 people died that week from all causes. COVID-19 is now suspected in just 5% of deaths in the United States.

If this trend continues, flu will result in larger numbers of hospitalizations and deaths during the upcoming 2020-2021 flu season than COVID-19.  

Positivity is now around 3.67%, but positivity may no longer be a valid measurement of the prevalence of COVID-19. As was pointed out in the New York Times article weeks ago, because the COVID-19 test is able to amplify the genetic material from the virus, even small bits and pieces of virus can now be detected. This means persons who have already had the infection are likely being mislabeled as "new cases". Also, very low levels of the virus, particularly in asymptomatic individuals, may not even be clinically significant.


We are nowhere near overwhelming our healthcare system at this point, which was the original objective of "flatten the curve". Lockdowns do cause economic hardship however, in addition to increasing anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation. There are civil liberties concerns as well.  

After witnessing the devastating effect of lockdowns worldwide, the WHO [World Health Organization] has reversed its position on this approach after noting it could double poverty and malnutrition rates:

“And so, we really do appeal to all world leaders: stop using lockdown as your primary control method...” Dr. Nabarro’s interview came within hours of another WHO recommendation for countries to avoid lockdowns because of their inherent damage to a range of national factors.

The WHO’s top emergencies expert said on Friday that authorities should try to avoid “punishing” lockdowns, echoing claims from the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the virus was first identified, that the cure was worse than the malady [emphasis added].

As our understanding of the virus has grown, infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists from around the world are speaking out in greater numbers against lockdowns and instead proposing a "focused protection" approach.  [10.5.20 -- “AIER Hosts Top Epidemiologists, Authors of the Great Barrington Declaration”

By AIER Staff -- https://www.aier.org/article/aier-hosts-top-epidemiologists-authors-of-the-great-barrington-declaration/]

In hindsight, it turns out the Swedish approach may have been the most successful (deaths per million, and with comparable urban density).

More COVID Links:

WHO: Lockdowns should be avoided as they may have already doubled poverty and malnutrition rates

WHO: Mortality from COVID-19 may be the same as flu

NYT: Up to 90% of COVID-19 tests may be false positives

WHO scientific brief: "asymptomatic spread" causes between 0.0 - 2.2% of infections

NEJM: Masks outside of the medical setting ineffective, and may actually increase infection risk (due to a false sense of security)

BMJ: Cloth masks increase infection risk in the hospital - NOTE: this is the ONLY randomized control trial (RCT) conducted evaluating cloth masks

AIER: Lockdowns and masks do not appear to decrease COVID transmission

Env Res: COVID-19 risk of death similar to your daily commute

Nature: COVID-19 and T-cell immunity - Dr. James Todaro explains we may already have herd immunity

CDC: COVID compared to pneumonia, influenza, and all causes of death (updated weekly)

CDC: Provisional COVID numbers by age (updated daily)

CDC: leading causes of death in 2018 (.pdf)

Most HCQ studies show benefit, and a national telehealth company is available to schedule a consult to discuss a prescription.
