
“Newsom Signs Bill Allowing Doctors in California to Face Discipline for ‘Misinformation’”

By Sarah Le

A group of people wearing masks and standing in front of a man.

Excerpts from this article: 


California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill into law on Sept. 30 that allows the state medical board to discipline physicians for “misinformation” or “disinformation” related to COVID-19…

…Dr. Len Saputo, president of the organization Physicians and Patients Reclaiming Medicine, hosted a press conference at the Capitol. He said the law will fundamentally alter how physicians practice medicine in California.

“If [Newsom] doesn’t veto [SB] 2098, medicine will be changed forever…We will not have the right to counsel our patients in certain areas, because it will be prohibited by law,” said Saputo, who’s based in Walnut Creek, Calif.

Another California doctor in attendance was Dr. Michael Huang, who said the situation in California for many doctors has already become overly restrictive, and the new law would only make things worse.

He spoke to the group about one of his patients, a San Jose firefighter who was required to get vaccinated for COVID-19 and afterward lost 50 percent of his exercise capacity, according to Huang. The firefighter was put on unpaid leave, but he was then required to get a booster vaccine. Huang said the firefighter came to see him for a medical exemption.

“Please help me. I don’t want to get hurt again,” said the firefighter, according to Huang.

Huang said he has been able to help thousands of patients like these who had a valid medical reason to skip the COVID-19 vaccine, and they were able to keep their jobs or go to school even though the vaccine was required.

“I’m here to protect your health,” said Huang. “I’m here to make sure that you will not be hurt.”

Huang is now under investigation and in jeopardy of losing his medical license for alleged “unprofessional conduct.” This followed guidance issued by the medical board in August 2021 that physicians could be subject to disciplinary action for granting mask exemptions or other exemptions inappropriately.

However, Huang contends he has not acted inappropriately and his exemptions were valid.

“There are very few medical professionals that are willing to give medical exemptions because they are afraid,” Huang told The Epoch Times in December.

According to a previous interview with Los Angeles-based Dr. Syed, Haiderthe new law is also expected to target doctors who recommend or prescribe off-label medications such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to their patients for COVID-19.

“Myself and other doctors from all over the world have had incredible results with off-label protocols including ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, budesonide, and a number of other protocols,” he told The Epoch Times in May.

Because of this, he’s been reported to four state medical boards by pharmacists he says “don’t like filling ivermectin prescriptions.” He was forced to hire a lawyer to help protect his medical license.

“In any scientific field or endeavor, there is no absolute truth,” he said. “We’re always getting closer to the truth, but we have never arrived at a final truth in medicine. There always has to be room for debate.”
