“Now Is the Time To Get Commitments from Texas Candidates”
By Donna Garner

While we as voters are mingling with Texas Republican candidates who are trying to get our votes for the Nov. 8, 2022 elections, now is the time for us to express our strong concerns to them and to get them on the record.
We need to make it clear that when the next Texas Legislative session begins (78th), we want the Texas Republican House Members to caucus.
This time we strongly expect them to choose an authentic conservative not a left-leaning RINO such as Rep. Dade Phelan. (11.5.20 -- https://txvaluesaction.org/texas-values-action-opposes-rep-dade-phelans-speaker-candidacy/?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=3e7f6abe-7b8b-490d-90de-66dddb617fe2 )
Phelan was chosen Speaker of the House on 1.12.21 with strong backing from the Democrats in the House and also from LGBTQ Equality Texas. That should have told the Texas Republican House Members all they needed to know before they foolishly chose him to be the Speaker of the 77th Legislative Session.
It was Phelan who decided not to allow the gender modification legislation (SB 1311 – Regular 87th Session – 5.24.21) to come to the floor of the House for discussion and a vote even after President of the Senate/Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick with Sen. Bob Hall as the author had moved SB 1311 through the Texas Senate: https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=87R&Bill=SB1311
Because of Rep. Phelan’s support for the LGBTQ agenda, it is still legal in Texas for gender modification clinics to rake in millions of dollars from committing “child abuse” on children – cutting off body parts, giving them puberty blockers, and doing other unspeakable procedures that are irreversible.
We Texans must stop this madness. The Bible tells about the idol worshipers who sacrificed their children to the god of Molech. Are we not doing the same thing to participate and/or allow our state and nation’s children to be “sacrificed and/or doomed to a life of misery” before the LGBTQ “god of sexualization”?