
“U. S. Rep. Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House – The Best Choice”

By Donna Garner

First, if anyone wonders what kind of a Speaker of the House Rep. Jim Jordan might make, please take a few moments to watch this video from 4.6.22:

“Rep. Jim Jordan Summarizes Perfectly the Nightmare the Democrats and Elites Created” -- https://rumble.com/v105lxp-outstanding-rep.-jim-jordan-summarizes-perfectly-the-nightmare-the-democrat.html



Besides U. S. Rep. Jim Jordan, U. S. Rep. Steve Scalise is another person who is being considered for Speaker of the House to take Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s place.

Sad to say, Rep. Scalise is not well.  He has multiple myeloma blood cancer for which there is no cure (unless the Lord heals him). The disease begins in the bone marrow of the spine.  The symptoms (according to the Mayo Clinic) are bone pain, tiredness, mental fogginess or confusion, weakness, etc.

Not only that but Rep. Scalise also has to contend with the serious injuries which he suffered when he was shot in the hip by a leftwing activist at the Republican Congressional Baseball Game in 2017.

Rep. Scalise needs our prayers, but he is not physically able to take on the challenging job of the Speaker of the House while our nation is hanging by a thread. 



If you are represented by or have contact with U.S. Republican House members, please call this telephone number and ask them to back Rep. Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House -- 202-224-3121. 



Following are excerpts from an article that I wrote on 7.26.18. I hesitate to quote myself, but truth is truth; and unfortunately, the serious problems that the United States had back in 2018 have only been magnified under the Biden administration. I am sorry to add that under the leadership of Former Republican Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, the House (which controls the purse strings of our government) has allowed the Biden administration to control those purse strings.

Our country even more desperately needs Rep. Jim Jordan as the Speaker of the House right now:

7.26.18 -- “Don’t Waste Any Time: Support Jim Jordan As New Speaker of the U. S. House” – by Donna Garner – published on

U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan is definitely our choice for the new Speaker of the House because of his toughness, common sense, courage, and commitment. 

…the majority of Americans (outside the Beltway) understand that our nation is on the brink of losing our Constitutional republic.

Either we have laws for everyone to follow or else we will have anarchy.  Either Hillary Clinton and the decision-makers at the top of the DOJ/FBI have to follow the laws just as the rest of us do, or we will turn into a banana republic.

In the history of our country, we have never before had factual documentation to prove that a group of Democrats, RINO’s, and the DOJ/FBI leadership, using the security tools of our country and the leftist news media, have attempted to surveil a Presidential campaign [Donald Trump] and then to overthrow a President once he was duly elected.

Rep. Jim Jordan understands our nation’s present danger and has fought alongside other committed Congressmen to get the truth out to the American people.

Rep. Jim Jordan would make an exceptional Speaker of the House because he has helped to ferret out the facts behind the Russian “collusion.”  The only collusion has been with Hillary and the Russians.

One other reason we support Rep. Jim Jordan as Speaker of the House is that there has been such a huge campaign by the Democrats, Washington establishment, and the leftist media to malign Jim Jordan’s reputation.

Whenever we see this happening, this reassures us that Rep. Jim Jordan must be a real threat to their power.

That is exactly the kind of tough and determined person we need to lead the House; we need someone who is courageous enough not to wither and run when attacked – someone who stands up to the accusers and keeps right on pursuing the conservative agenda…

The American people are screaming for boldness and for a sense of urgency instead of the political double-speak, slowness, and compromising ways of the present Washington DC establishment…