“Texans, Let’s Be Bold and Unapologetic Conservatives”
From Donna Garner

[COMMENTS FROM DONNA GARNER: The Republicans in Texas won big in the 11.8.22 elections. Now it is time to act like winners and pressure the House to elect a conservative Speaker of the House. Rep. Dade Phelan is a RINO but by cultivating Dem votes, he managed to get the Speaker’s job last term. It makes absolutely no sense for the Republican voters to win big and then to give away 40% of the committee chairs to Dems who try to stymie and slow-walk every conservative piece of legislation.
Last legislative session Speaker Phelan deliberately did not let the gender modification bill come to the floor of the House for debate nor for a vote even after the Texas Senate under Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick had passed it.
As we look around our state and watch the increase of Drag Queen events, the gender clinics springing up, the increase of horror stories from children who have undergone puberty blockers and/or had their sex organs chopped off (all irreversible), and the LGBTQ agenda running rampant in our schools and in our society, we have RINO Phelan to hold responsible for that.
For the sake of our precious children, we cannot and should not let RINO Phelan be Speaker again.
Rep. Tony Tinderholt is a strong conservative and has submitted his name for Speaker, and there may be other conservatives who step forward. The Repubs must caucus, select a conservative choice, and have a public show of hands raised so that we voters can hold them accountable for their votes.]
From Matt Rinaldi, Chair of RPT
Excerpts from this newsletter:
In the wake of an election that kept Republicans in all statewide offices, as it has for nearly 30 years, and grew GOP majorities in both houses of the Texas State Legislature, voters overwhelmingly indicated they want Republicans to lead this state.
The GOP majority should respect the will of the voters and end the practice of sharing leadership with extreme left-wing Democrats. [7.23.21 – https://americanmind.org/memo/playing-fair-with-cheaters/]
Many Texans are surprised to learn that leadership of the Texas House [Rep. Dade Phelan] gave 40% of committee chairmanships to Democrats last session, despite having a Republican majority. This includes putting Democrats in charge of important committees like Public Education, Business & Industry, and Criminal Jurisprudence…
The Republican Party of Texas plans to hold our elected officials accountable if they decide to put woke Democrats in positions of power. GOP delegates and voters have spoken clearly on this issue.
- 81% of Republican primary voters (over 1.5 million Texans) voted to end the practice of awarding committee chairmanships to Democrats.
- Plank 233.b of the Republican Party of Texas Platform states “Standing Committees shall be chaired by the political party in majority.”
- As voted on by the Convention Delegates, one of the top 8 Legislative Priorities for this session is to “Ban Democrat Chairs.”
Chairing a committee is a powerful position in Texas. It allows a Democrat to single-handedly block legislation from passing.
It provides a bully pulpit for Democrats to push their far-left radical agenda.
It allows Democrats to raise millions of dollars from lobbyists that are used to defeat our Republican candidates in elections.
And once a Democrat is appointed chair, the Speaker [Rep. Phelan] has taken the position that they cannot be removed, no matter what they do in that position.
There is no excuse in the modern political era for giving control of the legislative process to a political rival that sees Republicans as racists, threats to democracy, or enemies of the State.
The Texas House of Representatives will adopt formal rules in one of their first meetings in early January.
We need ALL Republican elected officials to publicly state they will BAN DEMOCRAT COMMITTEE CHAIRS….
Step (1) Call your State Representative; a phone call is more effective than an email. If you don't know who your Representative is or their phone number, click here -- https://wrm.capitol.texas.gov/home
Step (2) Urge them to release a public statement (tweet, Facebook post, mass email, or press release) supporting House Rules that ban Committee Chairs of the minority party. If they have already made a public statement banning Democrat Committee Chairs, thank them…