11.9.22 (9:00 A. M.)

“Seismic Shift to the Right on Texas State Board of Education”
By Donna Garner

A man in a suit is waving at the crowd.

Unless the vote count changes, the Texas State Board of Education has just experienced a seismic shift to the conservative right. The count for Republicans is now 10 Republicans vs. 5 Democrats.


Evelyn Brooks
L J Francis
Aaron Kinsey
Julie Pickren


Keven Ellis
Pat Hardy
Will Hickman
Pam Little
Tom Maynard
Audrey Young


Rebecca Bell-Metereau
Staci Childs
Aicha Davis
Melissa Ortega
Marisa Perez-Diaz

*All listed in alphabetical order

Because many issues that are on the SBOE agenda are not supposed to be political in nature, party affiliations really should not determine outcomes. However, the Democrat Party has moved so far to the left that they consider almost everything to be a political issue – and particularly those that involve our children whom the Democrat Party wants to indoctrinate and brainwash because they know these children will become the leaders of tomorrow.

I am very excited to have the four, new, authentic conservatives to join the six seasoned SBOE members.

I believe if the 10 Repub SBOE members will work together (and perhaps even draw support from some of the SBOE Dems), they can achieve much for our 5.4+ million Texas public school students and the 378,000+ Texas classroom teachers.

The Texas Legislature has 181 members while the SBOE has only 15 members, but the decisions made by those 15 can impact almost everyone in our state.

I pledge my continued prayers over these 15 SBOE members – all who serve without any remuneration.

I also pledge my continued prayers over Texas Commissioner of Education Mike Morath and his Texas Education Agency staffers who play tremendously important roles in the future of our public schools.

Because the largest percentage of children in Texas attend the public schools, we who care about the future of our state and nation must be very concerned and mindful about the type of education these children receive.

I am thankful for the voters who took the time and effort to vote. Now I beg of you to stay involved with these SBOE members and the decisions they make.
