
“Every American Should Be Furious with the Social Security Administration” 

By Donna Garner

As President, Donald Trump is the “boss” of the Executive Branch. 

As a good boss, Trump has the right, the power, and the responsibility to make sure all federal agencies such as the Social Security Administration (SSA) are spending our taxpayers’ dollars efficiently and wisely.

1.20.25 – Pres. Trump's Executive Order:

Trump turned to
Elon Musk and his team of geniuses to delve into the Social Security Administration.  

Trump, in particular, wanted to find out if our taxpayers’ dollars have been wasted on any graft, corruption, waste, and/or mismanagement. 

Pres. Trump is fixated on lowering our dastardly national debt which is over $36 trillion. 



Exactly what have Elon and his band of geniuses found?  

The SSA records show that there are more than 21 million Americans over 100 years of age who have been marked as “alive and eligible for SSA benefits.” 

According to Guinness Book of World Records,
the oldest man in the world lives in Japan and is 116 years old; yet the SSA’s records show that more than 12 MILLION PEOPLE in the U. S. are allegedly older than 120 years of age

It is very easy to see the graft, corruption, waste, and mismanagement by looking at this chart: 


Active Social Security Numbers by Age Range

(Source: DOGE post, 2.16.25)

Age Range Count
0-9   38,825,456
10-19    44,326,480
20-29    47,995,478
30-39   52,106,915
40-49   47,626,581
50-59    45,740,805
60-69    46,381,281
70-79    33,404,412
80-89    15,165,127
90-99      6,054,154
100-109     4,734,407
110-119     3,627,007
120-129     3,472,849
130-139     3,936,311
140-149     3,542,044
150-159     1,345,083
160-169        121,807
170-179            6,087
180-189               695
190-199               448
200-209               879
210-219               866
220-229            1,039
240-249                 1        
360-369                   1

Age Range                                       Totals                         Round Numbers

Age Range: 0 - 99                        377,626,689                        377 Million

Age Range: 100 – 369                   20,789,524                          21 Million

Age Range: 0 – 369                     398,416,213                         398 Million  



More than 1,039 individuals are listed as being between the ages of 220 and 229.  Imagine that!

One person is purportedly in the 240 to 249 age bracket. 

That is older than the United States itself!

According to the SSA records, another person is 360 years old and is allegedly still eligible for monthly SSA benefits. 

Based upon the SSA records, the total number of people eligible for SSA checks and benefits is 398 million people.  

Amazingly, that is a larger number than the estimate by the Census Bureau of the ENTIRE population of the U. S. which is over 341 million.

Just think how many recipients are probably receiving all those illegal checks and SSA benefits while the rest of us Americans work hard to pay taxes so that the SSA can either pocket the money themselves or send it to those who are most certainly “dead.”  



2.17.25 -- https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/database-lists-12-million-people-older-than-120-eligible-for-social-security-musk-5811532