
“Edward Dowd Finds 40 Percent Excess Deaths Were Caused by COVID Jabs”

By Henry W. Burke

A person holding up a sign that says died suddenly and unexpectedly.

Edward Dowd recently released a new book, “Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022.” A short quotation from this book states: 

“…death in people of working age (18-64) was 40 % higher than it was before the pandemic. Significantly, the majority of the deaths were not attributed to COVID.” 

Without question, COVID jabs have created a global killing field!

Edward Dowd has dropped everything in his life to determine why there are so many excess deaths. Dowd is the founding partner of Phinance Technologies, a global investment firm. Because of his experience, he approaches the subject of excess mortality in a factual way. Edward Dowd has not made a dime on his quest to alert the public on excess deaths from the COVID shots! 

Dowd’s primary goal is to alert the public to the horrible number of deaths from taking the COVID VAX.

Here is a link to the 54-minute video in which Tucker Carlson interviewed Edward Dowd on 2.25.23:  https://www.bitchute.com/video/7WO5d0iQ0ApV/

In the video, Edward Dowd said, “I literally prayed to God to be of service. And Dr. Malone came to my island of Maui where I lived.” 

Quote from Edward Dowd’s book: 

“But then, in 2021, the stats people expected went off the rails. The CEO of the OneAmerica insurance company publicly disclosed that during the third and fourth quarters of 2021, death in people of working age (18-64) was 40 % higher than it was before the pandemic. Significantly, the majority of the deaths were not attributed to COVID. A 40 % increase in deaths is literally earth-shaking, and not only for the devastated families and communities that experience the deaths. Even a 10 % increase in excess deaths would have been a 1-in-200-year event. But this was 40 %.”  

The healthiest segment of the population includes working people (18-64-year-old). These employees of Fortune 500 companies are covered by large group life insurance plans. Because workers in these corporations are usually in very good health, their death rates are low and very predictable. Insurance industry data shows this group has one-third the mortality rate of the general population. In 2021, this group saw a huge spike in death rates. “A report released by the Society of Actuaries found mortality spikes of 40 percent or more that year.”


What changed during the 2020 to 2021 time period? 

Massive COVID-19 shots and mandates were deployed. What caused the spike in death rates?

According to Steve Kirsch, sudden death was the No. 1 cause of death for COVID-jabbed people under 65 years of age in 2021 and 2022.  

The second was cardiac deaths; myocarditis killed more people than COVID-19!

The third was cancer; turbo-charged cancer was rampant among the jabbed. -https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/epidemic-of-sudden-adult-deaths-finally-made-news_5134206.html?utm_source=Ccpv&src_src=Ccpv&utm_campaign=2023-03-27&src_cmp=2023-03-27&utm_medium=email&est=s8%2FOBqyT23VuN0kW36jOhtNN0D0oBEe4FE7EF%2BmLnBu8KRlKv4qNNmnlsQ%3D%3D%20%20Joseph%20Mercola

 Some skeptics of Edward Dowd’s findings are trying to suggest that long COVID is the culprit in excess deaths. Dowd responds that there has never been a study linking long COVID to excess mortality. We don’t even have a definition of long COVID. If they came up with a definition, it would mimic the adverse events we found with the vaccine. 

Edward Dowd stated: 

“This is the greatest crime scene I’ve ever seen in my life,” he says. “The greatest humanitarian toll we’re ever going to talk about. And it’s going to last with us for years to come. The economic ramifications are stark. -https://www.bitchute.com/video/7WO5d0iQ0ApV/ 

Dowd states that over 1 million people have died in the U.S. from COVID, the COVID vaccine, and through early treatment denial. To put this into perspective, this is a much larger number of deaths than from all of our wars combined (WW I, WW II, Vietnam War, and Korean War)! 

Dowd emphatically states, “The COVID shots must be stopped immediately!”  

Dowd praises America’s Frontline Doctors for their excellent work on fighting the medical establishment and for providing COVID treatment protocols. -- https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org 



3.20.23 -- “Epidemic of Sudden Adult Deaths Finally Made News” – by Dr. Joseph Mercola 
