
“Our God of the Millimeter”

By Donna Garner

This morning we saw Donald Trump walk down the gangplank of his airplane unassisted. He was flying back to his family to give them reassurance of his having survived the attempted assassination attempt last night at Bethel Park, PA. 

Thankfully Trump and Melania’s son Barron was not on that stage with his dad as Barron had been on 7.10.24.  



Today on 7.14.24 Lawrence Jones, Fox News Host, gave Jesus Christ the glory for preventing the assassination of Donald Trump last night.  

I join Lawrence Jones and many others across the world who know that it was God who saved Trump by a mere millimeter.  

As Dr. Ronny Jackson (former White House physician) stated, the bullet was a millimeter away from having passed through Donald Trump’s brain. 

Had it not been for that millimeter, we would be watching a funeral for Donald Trump this week.  

We indeed worship the Lord of the millimeter – that is how close Donald Trump came from being assassinated. That slight turn of his head saved his life. Only our precious Lord could have orchestrated that. 

As he undoubtedly began to realize that God had just spared his life,
Trump raised his fist in the air as a sign to America that we should keep “fighting” with our prayers, with the facts, and with our votes – not with AR rifles and terrible violence.

Next, we saw tremendously brave men and women who threw their bodies all around Trump to shield him from other shots. 

This should cause each of us to demonstrate that same type of courage in whatever way we can in the upcoming months – with our prayers, with the facts, and with our votes.   



The rooftop from which the shooter (Thomas Matthew Crooks – age 20) fired his powerful AR rifle was only 130 yards from where Trump stood. 

People trained as sharpshooters have stated that 130 yds. with such a powerful AR rifle should have been a very easy shot for Crooks. 

Thomas Crooks loved his gun and undoubtedly had practiced shooting it frequently. Explosive devices were also found by the police in his car close to the scene of the shooting. 

Crooks was a registered Republican but only voted in the 11.8.22 state election.

According to a 2021 Federal Election Commission filing, he donated to the leftist  Democrat organization called Progressive Turnout Project which is tied to Act Blue, Clinton, Obama, and Biden.  

Act Blue is one of the biggest and most leftist Democrat fund-raising organizations in the country.  Crooks’ donation to Act Blue was given on 1.20.21 which is the date that Biden was inaugurated. 

How could our Secret Service/FBI before the rally possibly have overlooked properly securing that rooftop only 130 yds. from where Trump was speaking?  

Just before the rally, several people noticed that a young man in camo was climbing on a nearby roof. They reportedly yelled and pointed, but the police and the US Secret Service agents appeared to take no action.

One thing is for sure: We will never know exactly what or who influenced Thomas Matthew Crooks to commit this act of violence because he is dead. 

If I were behind such a plot to assassinate Trump, the first thing I would do is to figure out a way to kill the shooter immediately after the episode. That way he/she could give no evidence about who convinced him/her to commit such a heinous crime. 



Dan Bongino, a former US Secret Service agent, has stated that Trump for weeks had been asking USSS Director Kim Cheatle for beefed-up security measures but was denied such measures. 

Bongino has voiced his outrage over the lack of ground and air surveillance, the counter sniper advance, and other such precautions that should have stopped Crooks’ violent acts.  

Biden’s Sect. of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas oversees the Secret Service.  Let’s remember that Mayorkas barely avoided being impeached by the Senate because of his disgraceful open borders policies. 

How can Mayorkas be trusted to investigate himself and his fellow USSS agents?  

Congressman Rep. Massie (R-PA) stated that this agency is the same one that supposedly investigated the LA shooting, the Jan. 6 pipe bombs, and Mar-a-Lago.  No actual positive action came from all those investigations. 



Our hearts ache for the Corey Comperatore family. Corey was the former fire chief for Buffalo Township.  

He threw himself on top of his wife and daughters as his last act of heroism to shield them from Crooks’ bullets. 

From all accounts, Fire-Chief Corey was a beloved patriot and was well-respected by his friends and neighbors.   

Two other victims are in critical condition at the time of this writing. Our prayers are with them and their families also. 



Since none of us know what the future holds, we need to make sure that we will live forever with the Lord Jesus Christ by committing our lives to Him. 

Trump wrote on Truth Social last night: 

Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness.

Our love goes out to the other victims and their families. We pray for the recovery of those who were wounded and hold in our hearts the memory of the citizen who was so horribly killed.


In this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand United, and show our True Character as Americans, remaining Strong and Determined, and not allowing Evil to Win. I truly love our Country, and love you all, and look forward to speaking to our Great Nation this week from Wisconsin."

We must do the same – ask the Lord to comfort those who suffered devastation yesterday.  Then we must thank God for His miraculous protection over Trump. 

May the Lord guide, guard, and protect our nation as we go through these terribly important months that lie ahead.  

Let’s remember to give praise to our “God of the millimeter.“