5.1.20 – The Gateway Pundit

80 Patients and Staff Members Come Down with Coronavirus at Texas Nursing Home – Hydroxychloroquine Treatment Saves All But 1 Patient”
By Jim Hoft

unnamed (16)



[COMMENTS FROM DONNA GARNER: We need to ask ourselves the question, “Why have the hierarchy at the CDC, NIH, NIAID, and FDA created such a hostile environment for hydroxychloroquine (HQ)?” Besides the fact that many of these bloated federal agencies (please see links at bottom of the page) fit the definition of “Deep Staters,” they also receive large donations from pharma and private medical companies. For instance, how much has Gilead (the producer of Remdesivir) given in donations to CDC/NIH, etc.? Could the loud applause by some of the public health hierarchy for drugs such as Remdesivir be directly attributed to “You scratch my back, and I will scratch yours?”

The cost of treating a patient at the outset of COVID with the HQ protocol is about $20 for five days and is being done successfully in out-patient settings throughout the U. S. and other countries. The cost of Remdesivir is about $1,500 per dose and is normally administered in an ICU environment with sophisticated equipment, costing approximately $2,500 to $3,000 per day. Which makes more sense…to give patients HQ before they get really sick or Remdesivir after COVID has progressed to dangerous levels? Both drugs offer real hope, and for that we are very thankful.

Question: Is the HQ protocol successful or not? Please read about what Dr. Robin Armstrong did at the Resort at Texas City Nursing Home.  


80 Patients and Staff Members Come Down with Coronavirus at Texas Nursing Home – Hydroxychloroquine Treatment Saves All But 1 Patient”

By Jim Hoft

Excerpts from this article:

The Resort at Texas nursing home had an outbreak of coronavirus that infected 56 residents and 33 staff members.

Dr. Robin Armstrong immediately administered hydroxychloroquine to the residents and staff members along with Zpac and Zinc.

Only one nursing home patient died since the doctor prescribed the hydroxychloroquine. 55 made it.

This drug is having amazing success treating the coronavirus…

FOX7 Austin reported:

"Dr. Armstrong and others at the Resort at Texas City Nursing home knew time wasn’t on their side.

Two of our residents had symptoms and that’s when we tested everybody,” said nursing home Executive Director Jan Piveral.

56 residents and 33 staff members were COVID-19 positive.

Our Goal was to make sure we could shelter them in place so we don’t spread it to other

people,” Armstrong said. “Then also at the same time treat them so they would get better.”

Armstrong says he knew residents who ended up in the hospital had a higher mortality rate.

Our goal was to keep them here and treat them with the medications we had available,” he said.

When Armstrong began administering Hydroxychloroquine to it was controversial but appeared promising.

If we didn’t make the decision quickly then we could potentially lose 15 to 20% of the residents which was not an option,” said the Doctor.

Armstrong’s approach was to begin administering Hydroxychloroquine a Zpac and Zinc just as soon as a resident first started showing symptoms.

The patients were being monitored daily.

We did EKGs on each of these patients to make sure they didn’t have the cardiac side effects that everyone talks about,” Armstrong said. “None of our patients did.”

Armstrong doesn’t call the Hydroxychloroquine a cure and is aware of all the recent reports that say the drug shouldn’t be used to treat COVID-19.

But he points out only one of the nursing homes COVID-19 patients has died.

Everyone who got on treatment who started on treatment is actually doing really well,” he said."



39 elderly Texans successfully complete hydroxychloroquine treatment for COVID-19, doctor says”

Patients completed a five-day treatment and their doctor said none of the patients experienced side effects.

by Jason Whitely

Excerpts from this article:

Click Here

DALLAS — What happened at a Galveston County nursing home over the last week was one of the first big tests of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 patients in Texas.

I thought the risk of seeing 15% of that nursing home die was just not an acceptable,” said Dr. Robin Armstrong, MD, medical director at The Resort at Texas City.

Fifty-six residents at this senior facility in Galveston County contracted the novel coronavirus. Dr. Robin Armstrong said 39 of them gave him permission to treat them with hydroxychloroquine pills.

On Sunday, those 39 patients finished five days of treatment with hydroxychloroquine. Dr. Armstrong said no one experienced any side effects.

Two patients receiving hydroxychloroquine have had to go to hospital for unrelated conditions, Armstrong disclosed; a woman had a fall and a man got dehydrated in his room because he was not eating and drinking.

But for the first time since this treatment began, many of those who have recovered from the virus have been able to go outside and get some fresh air over the last 48 hours, Armstrong said.

The 65-year-old anti-malarial drug became controversial after Pres. Trump said it was a promising possibility for COVID-19 patients…

When this hydroxychloroquine came out, I was a bit skeptical,” he explained, “because I know the World Health Organization actually was not initially including it in their study, because they didn't think that it was very effective.”

But if the president had not brought attention to this drug, it’s doubtful there would be any political controversy around this pharmaceutical.

I don't think so,” Armstrong said. “I don't think this would even be a conversation, honestly.”

<< snip >>


[COMMENTS FROM DONNA GARNER: I predict that when this COVID crisis settles down, when Pres. Trump is re-elected in Nov., and when Nancy Pelosi is no longer in control of the House, we will see a move to stop private companies from giving donations (even through backdoor third parties) to our nation’s public health agencies. I also predict that changes will be made at the highest levels of the public health agencies.]


U. S. Department of Health Organizational Structure: https://oma.od.nih.gov/DMS/pages/organizational-changes-org-chart-function.aspx

Office of the Director, Dr. Anthony Fauci: https://www.niaid.nih.gov/about/office-director

Organization of NIAID under Dr. Fauci: https://www.niaid.nih.gov/about/niaid-organization

Organizational NIAID Chart: https://www.niaid.nih.gov/about/niaid-organizational-chart
