
“Trump Blames Biden’s Border Invasion for Death of GA Nursing Student, Vows Massive Deportations If Elected”

by Brooke Singman, Adam Shaw – Fox News; Jeff Childers – C&C News

Excerpt from this article: 


Former President Trump blasted Democrat border security and law enforcement policies for the murder of Georgia student
Laken Riley at the hands of an illegal immigrant, vowing that "when" elected, he will "immediately seal the border" and begin the "largest deportation operation of illegal criminals in American history." 

Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student from Augusta University, was
found dead on the University of Georgia campus Thursday after her roommate reported to authorities that she had not returned home from her morning run. 

The University of Georgia Police Department arrested Jose Antonio Ibarra and charged him with malice murder, felony murder, aggravated battery, aggravated assault, false imprisonment, kidnapping, hindering a 911 call and concealing the death of another,
UGA Police Chief Jeffrey L. Clark said during a news briefing Friday evening. 

The suspect
[Jose Antonio Ibarra from Venezuela] is not a U.S. citizen. 


Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on Sunday confirmed that the Venezuelan national [Ibarra] entered the U.S. illegally in 2022 and had previously been arrested in New York City.

"Crooked Joe Biden’s Border INVASION is destroying our country and killing our citizens!"
Trump, the 2024 GOP frontrunner, said Monday in a post on his TRUTH Social. 

"The horrible murder of 22-year-old Laken Riley at the University of Georgia should have NEVER happened!"  

Trump said that "the monster who took her life illegally entered our Country in 2022… and then was released AGAIN by Radical Democrats in New York after injuring a CHILD!!"

"When I am your President, we will immediately Seal the Border, Stop the Invasion, and on Day One, we will begin the largest deportation operation of illegal CRIMINALS in American History!"
Trump said. 

He added:
"May God Bless Laken Riley and her family!!! Our prayers are with you!" 

…In a statement to Fox News Digital,
ICE confirmed he had been encountered by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) on Sept. 8, 2022, after entering near El Paso and was "paroled and released for further processing."

ICE also confirmed that Ibarra had been arrested by the
New York Police Department a year later, on Sept. 14, 2023, and "charged with acting in a manner to injure a child less than 17 and a motor vehicle license violation."

When ICE learns that what it believes to be a removable illegal immigrant has been arrested on criminal charges, the agency will normally lodge a detainer – a request asking local law enforcement to keep the suspect in custody until they can be transferred to ICE and put into deportation proceedings.

In this case, however, ICE's statement says Ibarra was released before a detainer could be issued. 

NYC is also a "sanctuary city," which generally restricts law enforcement from complying with ICE detainers.

Ibarra’s brother, Diego, was charged Friday with possessing a fraudulent green card and is being held in state custody. 

The federal arrest affidavit for Diego Ibarra says that in September 2023, Athens-Clarke County Police
charged him with drunken driving and driving without a license. 

He [Diego Ibarra] was later arrested for shoplifting and later skipped court.

In its statement, ICE said its Enforcement and Removal Operations office in Atlanta "encountered
[Jose Antonio ] Ibarra pursuant to his arrest by the University of Georgia Police Department and being charged with murder and other crimes. ERO Atlanta lodged a detainer." 

Clark said "the evidence is robust" against Ibarra. 


☕️ ATHENS MAN Monday, February 26, 2024 C&C NEWS 🦠 (coffeeandcovid.com)

Joe Biden’s many failures 
are going to get us all killed — or worse —
after an illegal Venezuelan migrant was arrested Friday for the horrifying rape and brutal murder of Laken Riley, 22, a young UGA nursing student slain while she was out for a jog on campus.

U.S. authorities were given at least three chances to stop José before he killed somebody. They failed every single time. 

The feds first found José near El Paso, Texas, but released him into the general population citing poorly-defined “further processing” under loose Biden asylum rules. 

José was then arrested at least twice while he was hanging out in New York City, including for a very serious charge of endangering a child, but each time was immediately released without bail, with authorities rushing under local sanctuary-city rules to get José out before any federal deportation process could start up.

Athens police also arrested José’s brother, Diego, charging him with having a fake green card. 

The University of Georgia had hired Diego to work in the school cafeteria, in spite of his fake green card, his face tattoo, and in spite of the awkward fact that he’d been arrested in September for drunk driving without a license and separately for shoplifting, and then skipped all his court dates. 

The University of Georgia apparently had no problem with any of Diego’s red flags and hired him anyway where he was well positioned to closely observe students just like Laken.