"Christmas -- God in Manskin"
By Donna Garner
God, who created the entire and wondrous universe, sent His only son Jesus in "manskin" to this earth.
His "adopted father" Joseph and his mother Mary (who conceived Him miraculously) had to clean out the poopy in the stable to make a bed of hay in which to place the Savior of the world.
Each of us is born with a sinful, self-loving, and self-centered nature.
All we have to do to break through our sinful, self-centered, cruel self is to say one word -- "Yes."
"Yes, Lord, I want You to forgive me for loving and thinking only about myself."
"Yes, please live and work in me during this life."
"Yes, thank You for giving me the Bible which is You teaching me."
"Yes, let me genuinely pray to You in the name of Jesus and through the power of the Holy Spirit. I am empowered and never alone because you left a piece of yourself -- the Holy Spirit -- to dwell within me in this life."
The ultimate gift from the Lord without my doing one thing except saying "yes" to Him is that I will get to live forever in eternity with Him.
All I had to do is to say "yes" to Him