9.13.13 – EdViews.org

“UPDATE: Common Core Porn Novel”
by Donna Garner



XXXXXX is a mother of ten children. She is doing her part at Buena High School in Sierra Vista, Arizona, to stop the Common Core Standards (CCS). She flew into action when she read the pornograhic novel that her 10th grade son was required to read in his English class – Dreaming in Cuban by Cristina Garcia. The English teacher said she was teaching it because the CCS recommends it in Appendix B — http://www.corestandards.org/assets/Appendix_B.pdf .

(Incidentally, the English teacher should have looked a bit more closely because this porn novel is recommended by CCS for 11th graders – not 10th graders.)

When a school puts its stamp of approval on a literary selection, children naturally assume “their teacher knows best.”

The Dreaming in Cuban excerpt is only one of many objectionable statements made in this book. In just a few carefully chosen words by author Cristina Garcia, impressionable teenagers are exposed to illicit sex, sensual descriptions of nakedness and foreplay, violence toward women, anal sex, total disrespect for the individual, and raunchy language.

Aren’t these exactly the unhealthy and violent activities that are becoming more prevalent among our teens today? Are we as adults going to stand by and do nothing?


When parents send their children to school, they should expect them to be taught in a safe and healthy atmosphere – not in a teaching environment that desensitizes them to prurient behaviors and that influences them to emulate the negative behaviors of the characters who proliferate the novels children are reading and discussing at school.

The mind is a terrible thing to waste.” If children are sitting in class and filling their minds with hormone-stimulating text, any naiveté that gives them a natural protection at their age will be forever destroyed.

The news stories about XXXX’S courageous actions have gone viral on the Internet as the public has begun to realize what is coming for their own children because of CCS (links posted below — IN THE NEWS).


Obama’s U. S. Dept. of Education under Arne Duncan proclaims that CCS is not a curriculum, yet the CCS exemplars and sample text selections in Appendix B are indeed curriculum and are obviously driving what is being taught at Buena High School and in other schools throughout this nation.

The CCS national assessments will also drive the curriculum because since teachers’ evaluations will be based upon how well their students do on the online assessments, teachers will be forced to “teach to the test.”


The constant drumbeat of sexualization, foul language, violence, and brutality found in many of the trashy teen novels on the CCS recommended list is bound to influence children’s behavior negatively.

(Please go to www.PABBIS.com to read excerpts from a large number of questionable authors and books.)


The CCS also sets forth pedagogical methodology by pressuring teachers to present texts using “cold reading.” In this model, teachers do not give any background or context information to students before they read a selection, thus stripping them of the ability to understand what authors have written in view of the mores and cultural beliefs that influenced their writing.

Even if students read historical excerpts from the Preamble or the Bill of Rights, this CCS pedagogical technique of cold reading will destroy students’ appreciation of the basic principles and historically significant events that influenced our early forefathers.

Not only are many of the suggested texts on the CCS list highly offensive to those who hold traditional values (e.g., belief in personal responsibility, self- discipline, respect for authority, self-control, a solid work ethic, respect for other people, traditional marriage), but they also serve a purpose for those in the Obama administration who are trying to indoctrinate this and future generations to hate America and to trash American exceptionalism. A steady diet of portraying ethnic/racial characters always as victims and saturating these books with gutter language is bound to warp students’ minds.


Parents and concerned citizens should do exactly what XXXXX did in Sierra Vista, Arizona. She took the time to find out what her child was reading at school, documented the offensive passages (e.g., taking screenshots of the actual excerpts), and went to her local high school to voice her outrage. XXXX even filed a formal child abuse complaint with the authorities based upon Arizona law.


*I have added a few words of clarification.

I just got a call from John Huppenthal (Arizona State Superintendent of Schools) at about 4:30 P. M. today. He will not take Common Core Curriculum out, but he is removing two books which have come to his attention (Dreaming in Cuban and The Bluest Eyes). He’s going to check out Like Water for Chocolate.

If you know of any other offensive books on the Common Core Standards Appendix B List, please contact Supt. John Huppenthal (http://www.azed.gov/superintendent/ ) and your local school boards to get these harmful books out of the schools.

I also have researched Arizona law which indicates that exposing minors to pornographic literature is a legal offense:

ARS 13-3506A — http://www.lawserver.com/law/state/arizona/az-laws/arizona_laws_13-3506


ARS 13-3507 — http://www.lawserver.com/law/state/arizona/az-laws/arizona_laws_13-3507

Because of the child-abuse complaint that I filed with law enforcement authorities, I understand that the Sierra Vista Police Dept. went by the school and talked with both the principal (Joe Farmer) and the teacher (Kathie Lawrence). I’ll keep you posted the more I hear.


9.12.13 — “Fifty Shades of the Common Core: How Much Porn Is Too Much for High Schoolers?” – by Eric Owen – The Daily Caller — http://dailycaller.com/2013/09/12/fifty-shades-of-the-common-core-how-much-porn-is-too-much-for-high-schoolers/