6.1.22 – Epoch Times

“Election Integrity Group Unveils Findings on Ballot Trafficking in Arizona”’
By Allan Stein

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Excerpts from this article:


The election integrity group True the Vote presented Arizona lawmakers with cell phone tracking data showing alleged ballot traffickers visited drop boxes in two of the state’s largest counties no less than 5,700 times during the 2020 election.

When we started the project, we didn’t know [what we would find],” said Catherine Engelbrecht, the Texas group’s founder and president.

We began to think through what is a realistic expectation or threshold for when going to a dropbox is too many times. We wanted to focus on a clear, narrow data set [to demonstrate] “extreme outlier behavior.”

The group’s investigators settled on 10 visits as an actual number—but “here, in Arizona, they went an average of 21 times,” Engelbrecht told the panel of state legislators on May 31.

Lawmakers—all Republican—vowed to move forward with HB-2289 to make ballot drop boxes illegal in Arizona.

The only thing I would like to see come out of this meeting is people going to jail,” said State Rep. Quang Nguyen (R). “I would just like to see people cuffed.”

During the 90-minute presentation, Engelbrecht and True the Vote data investigator Gregg Phillips, former head of Mississippi’s Department of Human Services, described the group’s investigation into so-called “mules,” illegal ballot runners, and the role NGOs may have played to commit 2020 election fraud.

The investigation focused on two of the state’s largest counties—Maricopa County and Yuma County—and on unique visits to ballot boxes utilizing cell phone tracking technology to develop “patterns of life” for each alleged ballot trafficker.

The study used Oct. 7 and Nov. 3, 2020 as a timeframe, identifying 202 target devices that made 4,242 unique dropbox visits in Maricopa County.

In Yuma County, the study found 1,435 unique dropbox visits by 41 target devices based on cell phone signals, or “pings.”

Engelbrecht said a geofence is around every dropbox to provide a “digital coordinate set” and measure how many times a device passed through the geofence. Measurements are precise to within a meter of contact with a ballot box.

The federal government uses the same tracking technology. Its accuracy is “nearly perfect [like] wearing an ankle bracelet,” Engelbrecht said.

Phillips said the web of cell phone signals is “so significant. Your phone is sending regular pings [this] is how all that comes together.”

Phillips said the group’s study sifted through billions of signals, “teasing out” devices based to exclude “false positive” signals.

Dinesh D’Souza illustrated these findings in the new movie “2,000 Mules,” which seeks to expose organized ballot trafficking in the 2020 election.

We decided to go in on a methodology that uses ad data [embedded] in all of your phones. This is how digital DNA is captured,” Engelbrecht said…

True the Vote is investigating alleged 2020 ballot harvesting in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania electoral jurisdictions as well, and will share its findings with law enforcement officials that could lead to criminal investigations.

Engelbrecht said inaccurate voter rolls provide a “gateway to all your problems” with mass mailing of ballots. She said that issues are more likely to occur at ballot drop boxes because they are not well regulated.

True the Vote recommends Arizona lawmakers commit to clean voter rolls using real-time technology, and eliminate mass mailing of ballots and drop boxes. Or at the very least, drop boxes should be secure with video surveillance technology.

Finally, lawmakers should make the penalty for ballot running something “cheaters will fear,” said Engelbrecht…

The exploitation targets the most vulnerable communities. This is voter abuse. This is not about Republicans or Democrats. This is about securing the vote,” Engelbrecht said.

State Sen. Walter “Walt” Blackman (R) summed up the solution for Arizona in “HB-2289.”

After seeing this, we need to move forward with [HB-]2289,” he said to loud applause.
