11.15.21 – Campaign for Working Families

[COMMENTS FROM DONNA GARNER:  Please consider donating to receive this free newsletter which has some of the most accurate reporting available.]

COVID Controversies”
By Gary Bauer


Excerpts from this newsletter:


The country remains deeply divided over the coronavirus, but it shouldn’t be at this point.  The evidence is clear that the Biden/Harris regime is not following the science.  They are using the disease to grow their power and shrink our civil liberties. 

For the past several months, the CDC inexplicably stopped updating the figures of how many people have had the virus and recovered.  There’s no explanation for that except one:  If we know the figure, it will become obvious that their narrative that the virus has a mortality rate of nearly 2% would be completely wrong.

Under pressure, the CDC quietly updated the figures last week.  They now estimate that 146 million people in the U.S. have had the virus and recovered.  The latest death toll is about 750,000.  That means the mortality rate is nowhere near 2%.  It’s not even 1%.  It’s about 0.5%. 

But the propaganda pushed by the Biden regime, Big Media and social media has been so effective that 36% of the country believes the mortality rate is 5% or more.

It’s not just that. The “follow the science” crowd completely ignored a major part of the scientific handling of a disease — how many people have effective immunity because they got it and recovered.  We now know that’s at least 146 million people.  But the CDC refuses to say that these people have immunity. 

In fact, the CDC was recently forced to admit that it has no evidence of any cases of unvaccinated individuals with natural immunity transmitting COVID to another individual after they were reinfected.  What?!  The CDC is supposed to be the gold standard of research on questions like that. 

Fortunately, we do have that research from Israel, and it shows that people who have had COVID and recovered have levels of immunity 27 times greater than people who only got the vaccines.  Not just 27% greater, but 27 times greater!

It all begs the question, why are those 146 million people being told they can’t go to work, go to school or go to a restaurant unless they get vaccinated?  The science suggests they’re better protected than the vaccinated are.

A third example of how the country is off the rails is the all-out push to vaccinate children.  Many countries around the world are not doing that.  Taiwan just suspended its program of vaccinating children for COVID.

Fourth, the FDA is reportedly getting ready to recommend booster shots for everyone.  But they’re not going to reconvene the advisory committee to evaluate the order, they’re just going to do it.  That sounds like someone is playing politics with the science. 

The advisory committee embraced boosters for the elderly and those with compromised immune systems but refused to universally recommend them.  Why is Joe Biden so hellbent on getting everyone jabbed again and again and again?

In related news, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals gave the Biden/Harris Administration a withering rebuke Friday.  The court’s unanimous decision dismantled Biden’s vaccine mandate on constitutional, statutory and procedural grounds. 

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Campaign for Working Families
PO Box 1222
Merrifield, VA  22116-1222

