
“Another Courageous MD Steps Forward To Share the Truth about COVID”

Two doctors are looking at a computer screen.


COMMENTS FROM DONNA GARNER:  I really liked watching this video interview of Dr. Jeff Barke who is a 30-year, board certified MD in Orange County, California.  He is an able communicator, speaks well, can be heard easily, and supports his positions with reason and clarity. 

Dr. Barke talks about lockdowns, medical science and drugs being politicized for the first time in his career, the pros and cons of masks, hydroxychloroquine, over-reaction by mainstream press to COVID, serious damage being done to people during the lockdowns, loss of individual freedoms, financial incentives in place to pressure healthcare workers to code deaths as COVID, recommends local healthcare systems and politicians to make decisions for their own localities, describes threats by governors to cut off state funds if local municipalities go against their recommendations, and explains the importance of believing in individual liberty and responsibility at the local level.

21:00 minute YouTube: 

