11.11.22 – LibertyCenter.org

“Justice for Chloe – Teen Who Went Through Gender Transition”

A girl in white shirt and tie holding her hand to the side.

LibertyCenter.org -- Harmeet Dhillon

Excerpts from this article:

Chloe Cole is a remarkable young woman whose story has gripped the nation.

At just 9 years old, Chloe began suffering from gender dysphoria. She first expressed her struggle with gender dysphoria to her pediatrician when she was 12 years old.

Then, under the advice and supervision of medical professionals, Chloe was coerced into undergoing a “gender transition.” Between the ages of 13 and 17 years old, physicians placed Chloe on puberty blockers, off-label cross-sex hormone treatment, and performed a double mastectomy on her to remove her breasts.

Doctors told Chloe and her parents that Chloe’s gender dysphoria would never resolve itself. That was a lie. They also to Chloe and her parents that Chloe was at a high risk for suicide unless she socially and medically transitioned. Chloe’s doctors told her parents, “would you rather have a dead daughter or a live son?” That was a lie too.

But Chloe’s gender dysphoria did resolve itself. And despite an undeniable body of relevant medical literature, Chloe’s doctors never once informed her of the possibly—the high likelihood—that her gender dysphoria would resolve itself, without cross-sex treatment, by the time she reached adulthood. Chloe’s doctors never once informed her or her parents of non-invasive psychological or psychiatric counseling options.

Instead, her doctors concealed treatment options from her and fraudulently informed her that the only way to resolve her gender dysphoria was to undergo a physical, chemical, and social transition to a male role.

And the result of their concealment—their fraud—is a lifetime of irreversible physical and psychological damage to Chloe.

Today, Chloe is fighting back and seeking justice—justice for herself and for other kids who struggle with gender dysphoria and are being coerced into irreversible medical “care.” Chloe’s lawsuit seeks to hold her doctors responsible for the bodily mutilation she has suffered.
11.11.22 – “Detransitioned Teen Wants To Hold Gender-Affirming Surgeons Accountable: ‘What Happened to Me Is Horrible.’” – by Ashley Carnahan – Fox News -- https://www.foxnews.com/media/detransitioned-teen-hold-gender-affirming-surgeons-accountable

"As an adult, I will never be able to breast-feed whatever children I will have. I don’t even know if, because I was put on puberty blockers and testosterone at only 13 years old, I don’t know if I’ll be able to conceive a child naturally," she said. "I made an adult decision as a child."

PLEASE GO TO THIS LINK TO READ “NOTICE OF INTENT TO SUE LETTER” -- https://libertycenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Notice-of-Intent-to-Sue-Ltr-11-09-22-Redacted.pdf


As a result of the grossly negligent treatment that you performed, Chloe has permanent irreversible mutilation and damage to her body, particularly the female characteristics of her body.

The full scope and extent of her physical damage is currently being investigated.

Nevertheless, a non-exhaustive summary of her past symptoms and ongoing issues is summarized here.

Based on Chloe’s medical records she has had medical diagnosis indications for: (1) Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism, (2) Hyperandrogenism, (3) Hypoestrogenemia, (4) Erythrocytosis (leading to increased cardiovascular risk), and (5) an abnormal Complete Blood Count (CBC).

Additionally, Chloe is 2.5 inches shorter than her predicted adult height, and she is about 4.5 inches shorter than the maximum predicted height that she may have attained had she not taken testosterone.


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