11.23.22 – Campaign for Working Families 

“Who Is This Jack Smith, Appointed by Biden’s AG To Investigate and Prosecute Trump?”

 By Gary Bauer 

A man in a suit and tie holding microphones.

[COMMENTS BY DONNA GARNER:  When you see who this Jack Smith is, you will see what a sham this “investigation” of Donald Trump really is. Biden’s AG Garland is obviously trying to work fast to try to destroy Trump before the new Republican-dominated House comes into session on Jan. 3, 2023 and begins holding hearings and dishing out subpoenas to such people as AG Garland and the rest of Biden’s cabal, not to mention the biggest crook of them all – Hunter Biden.]

11.21.22 – Campaign for Working Families – from Gary Bauer



Friday afternoon, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that he was appointing a special counsel to investigate and potentially prosecute former President Trump.  Never mind that Donald Trump has been investigated nonstop for the past five years by the FBI, by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and by multiple congressional committees, including the January 6th Committee.

Within minutes of Garland’s announcement, the media talking heads were universally praising the selection of Jack Smith.  Fox News and other outlets noted that Smith is currently prosecuting war criminals in the Hague, as if to suggest that Donald Trump is a “war criminal.”

The truth of the matter is that Smith is a political hack.  In 2014, the House Oversight Committee concluded that he arranged a key meeting between infamous IRS official Lois Lerner and the Department of Justice that led to the targeting of conservative organizations during the Obama/Biden Administration. 

When Smith ran the Justice Department’s Public Integrity Section, he prosecuted then-Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell, who was a rising star in the Republican Party, under federal bribery and corruption charges.  A jury convicted McDonnell on 11 charges. 

Two years later, a unanimous ruling from the Supreme Court overturned the convictions.  But McDonnell’s political future had been completely trashed. 
Mission accomplished.


 11.22.22 – Campaign for Working Families – from Gary Bauer 



When Attorney General Merrick Garland announced the appointment of Jack Smith as a special counsel to investigate and potentially prosecute Donald Trump, he said that Smith would be “independent” and “impartial.” 

 As we noted yesterday, Smith’s record isn’t exactly reassuring.  He was involved in the Obama/Biden IRS scandal that targeted conservative organizations, and one of his most high-profile public corruption prosecutions was overturned unanimously by the Supreme Court. 

Here’s the latest development: Smith’s wife, Katy Chevigny, donated thousands of dollars to Democrats, including Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.  She also donated to Rashida Tlaib, one of the most rabid anti-Trump Squad members.  And she was a producer of a documentary about Michelle Obama.

 If Merrick Garland was serious about ensuring fairness and impartiality, there’s no way he would ever select Jack Smith. 

It’s hard to imagine how Smith was chosen for this assignment unless partisan hacks at the Justice Department were specifically looking for another partisan hack to prosecute Donald Trump.

House and Senate Republicans should immediately demand that Smith step down.