2.1.23 – Campaign for Working Families
“Biden Talks Climate Change, Empowers Other Countries While Hurting America”
By Gary Bauer

Excerpts from this article:
…While trying to address climate change at another fundraising event last night, Biden said this, “If we don’t stay under 1.5 degrees Celsius, we’re going to have a real problem. It’s the single-most existential threat to humanity we’ve ever faced, including nuclear weapons.”
As a man of faith, I always counsel against fear. But it scares the daylights out of me that this guy is president of the United States!
Let me say the obvious: If there is a nuclear war, the climate is going to be seriously damaged. In addition, cities will be destroyed and millions of people will be killed. And whether we have a nuclear war or not depends on decisions and mistakes that human beings make.
Meanwhile, it is debatable whether human beings can do very much about the temperature of the earth, which has gone up and down long before human beings were building factories and driving SUVs.
The biggest determinant of the temperature on earth is a little thing called the sun, and, thankfully, Joe Biden isn’t in charge of that! But this climate change delusion that Biden is operating under has real consequences.
We are risking ruining our entire economy in this mad dash to stop using the very fuels responsible for our prosperity, and that are, quite frankly, the only hope that a billion poor people around the world have of ever escaping poverty.
It cannot be repeated often enough that the radical “green agenda” is empowering communist China, especially the way Biden is implementing it.
Every day by its actions, the Chinese communist regime is neutralizing anything we claim to be doing to stop the earth’s temperature from rising. But Biden is telling them that he cares about this issue more than anything else, and they have already exploited that fact to force concessions from him.
As we have reported, communist China is preparing for war, and it will not be a “green war.” It will be a war that will be won or lost based on carbon energy and fossil fuels.
As you know, Biden has recklessly drained one-third of our emergency oil supply, and is now refusing to refill it.
What is communist China doing? It is massively expanding its own oil supplies, in part by buying the oil Biden released from our reserve!
The missiles and military aircraft that we will depend on in any future conflict are not powered by solar panels or windmills.
The Abrams tanks that Biden has now agreed to send to Ukraine don’t measure fuel consumption in “miles per gallon,” but “gallons per mile.” They can burn up to three gallons of carbon-based fuel (usually jet fuel) for every mile traveled. There are serious questions about Ukraine’s ability to supply and fuel these tanks.
…The factories we need to grow our industrial base, which the experts tell us is not capable of rearming America in a war, run on energy created from fossil fuels not windmills. The electricity they use is fueled by natural gas, coal and nuclear power.
Campaign for Working Families
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Phone: (703) 671-8800