
CDC’s Game Plan – Doctor and Nurse Explain”
From Donna Garner



[Please see 7.10.20 video link presentation by Dr. Pat Flynn and Nichole posted at the bottom of this page.]  


As of June 21, 2020 (cumulative data), the CDC reported a .1% death rate from COVID-19.

That means 99% of people who had COVID-19 survived.  

The CDC groups pneumonia, flu, and COVID-19 altogether in that .1% death rate figure. Therefore, those patients in the .1% death rate figure may indeed not have died of COVID-19 at all. They may have died from the flu or from pneumonia.

When we look at the CDC data, we always need to know the “plan” behind it.  


not if we go by the CDC’s own statements

In Week 26, the CDC website stated that COVID-19 deaths had gone down from 9% to 5.9%. This means that by dropping so dramatically in the United States, the COVID-19 epidemic technically ended by the end of June 2020.


Herd immunity is said to be reached when 70% of the public comes in contact with COVID-19.  With more people being allowed out of lockdown, more people are naturally going to be in contact with one another. 

The rising number of COVID-19 cases is actually a good thing because it shows that the U. S. is reaching herd immunity.  As people’s bodies come in contact with new germs, their immune systems develop new ways to counter those germs.  


On April 5, 2020 the CDC deliberately changed its previous data collection statement of “positive COVID-9” cases to “probable COVID-19” cases. This change was made by a group of CDC hierarchy whose motivation is suspect. The CDC went on to define the word “probable” as “no confirming lab test for COVID-19 necessary.”

After the CDC reworded the data collection statement to include “probable” cases (with no COVID-19 lab test required), then the CDC on 5.13.20  also changed its list of COVID-19 symptoms to include nearly every common symptom that people experience regularly.   

Bottom line: This change by the CDC in its own terminology requires doctors/hospitals/clinics to report as COVID-19 those patients who are “probable” and/or who fall under one of the many common, everyday symptoms.  

Each time we go in and out of a healthcare location, we are being asked if we have experienced in the last 2 to 14 days any of the following symptoms.

QUESTION:  How many people can honestly say they have not experienced any of these everyday symptoms while going about their lives – working 8/7, taking care of a family, being involved in household chores/projects, doing manual labor, going inside and outside constantly, and/or living with allergy problems?  

Of course, we do not want to lie and should not lie; but what is “lying” when it comes to our not knowing for sure where we fall on this lengthy list?

5.13.20 – Symptoms of Coronavirus – CDC -- https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea 

This list does not include all possible symptoms. CDC will continue to update this list as we learn more about COVID-19.

Now we know why the CDC’s case counts should not be utilized as the definitive data informing our governors, mayors, and elected leaders – nor the public!

LINK TO 7.10.20 YOUTUBE BY DR. PAT FLYNN AND NICHOLE – 37:01 MINUTES -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1e5uZsBUcOU

[*Please watch the YouTube for yourself to verify what I have written is correct. – Donna Garner]
