9.12.22 – Lumen News

“Doctors and Scientists from 34 Nations Sign Medical Crisis Declaration Tied to COVID Shots – 6,453 Signees and Growing”

By Dr. Susan Berry, Ph.D.



Excerpts from this article:

Physicians and scientists from 34 countries held a press conference Saturday, announcing their declaration of an international medical crisis due to the diseases and deaths linked to the COVID-19 shots that have been referred to as “vaccines.”

Independent researcher James Roguski reported at his Substack column on the press conference that featured physicians from throughout India and members of the Universal Health Organization (UHO), a forum that seeks to ensure “impartial, truthful, unbiased, and relevant” health information reaches citizens of every country.

 The Medical Crisis Declaration, which, at the time of publication, has 6,453 signatures from doctors and scientists, healthcare professionals, and citizens, focuses on the world-wide “crisis” due to “the diseases and deaths co-related to the administration of products known as ‘COVID-19 vaccines.’”

The declaration, described as a “manifesto,” continues:

{We are currently witnessing an excess in mortality in those countries where the majority of the population has received the so called “COVID-19 vaccines.” To date, this excess mortality has neither been sufficiently investigated nor studied by national and international health institutions.

The large number of sudden deaths in previously healthy young people who were inoculated with these “vaccines”, is particularly worrying, as is the high incidence of miscarriages and perinatal deaths which have not been investigated.

A large number of adverse side effects, including hospitalisations, permanent disabilities and deaths related to the so-called “COVID-19 vaccines”, have been reported officially.}

“The registered number [of adverse effects from COVID vaccines] has no precedent in world vaccination history,” the declaration says, pointing to reports on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the U.K.’s Yellow Card System, the Australian Adverse Event Monitoring System, Europe’s EudraVigilance System, and the World Health Organization’s (WHO) VigiAccess Database.

“[T]o date, there have been more than 11 million reports of adverse effects and more than 70,000 deaths co-related to the inoculation of the products known as ‘covid vaccines,’” the declaration states.

In sounding the alarm for an “international medical crisis,” the declaration’s leaders urged implementation of numerous measures, including:

  • A worldwide “stop” to COVID-19 “vaccination” campaigns
  • Investigation into the sudden deaths of all individuals who took the COVID shots and were healthy prior to the injections
  • Treatment and research programs for victims of adverse effects following the COVID shots
  • Analyses, by independent researchers, of the composition of vials of all the products known as “COVID-19 vaccines” produced by the various pharmaceutical companies

According to a press release, the declaration was initially drafted by a Spanish group of doctors, with Dr. Natalia Prego Cancelo spearheading the campaign.

Groups that also participated in the online event included World Council for Health, America’s Frontline Doctors, World Freedom Alliance, and Awaken India Movement.

Numerous physicians shared their observations of negative outcomes experienced by patients who underwent injection with what is called the “COVID-19 vaccines.”

“Up to 84% increase in deaths, in the USA, among Adults aged 24 to 44 years,” said Amitav Banerjee, M.D., Community Medicine, PD in Clinical Epidemiology. “Mumbai has reported a 6 times increase in Heart Attacks. As scientists we will not claim that these are all due to vaccines but we demand an investigation and look at this data as a Red Flag.”

“It is my clinical observation, from my patients in the USA and India, that a lot of patients are developing severe autoimmune disease-like symptoms,” said Sudha Chepyala, MBBS, M.D. (USA). “We are seeing these symptoms globally. What has changed to connect the similarity of symptoms around the World?”<span

Megha Consul, M.D., DNB, Pediatrics, reported seeing “an increase in the number of babies which are born with unexplained cases of infection.”

“…The Covid vaccines are untested, unresearched, with no long term safety data and are being given to pregnant women by actually telling it is good for them. This is wrong on so many levels. Anybody with an ounce of humanity can imagine what has been done.”

The assertions of the Medical Crisis Declaration are starkly at odds with recent statements by Dr. Anthony Fauci, who said during an interview with CBC this past week there is no time “to do a clinical trial” before making available to the public updated COVID booster shots to address the newer variants.

…“[W]e don’t have time to do a clinical trial, because we need to get the vaccine out now because we have such a situation throughout the world and certainly in the United States,” he said.

Similarly, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, who recently announced a makeover of her agency intended to “restore public trust,” echoed Fauci’s sense of urgency to deliver the updated boosters quickly.

If we wait for those data to emerge in human data, not just mice data, we will be using what I would consider to be a potentially outdated vaccine,” Walensky said on a radio broadcast of “Conversations on Health Care” in late August.

At the same time, Walensky urged anyone eligible at the time to obtain the current booster…