1.24.21 – “Was Dr. Simone Gold Arrested for Protest at Capitol?”
– by Donna Garner – Edviews.org – GREAT

No sooner had I sent out this excellent video by Dr. Simone Gold (1.22.21 -- “Dr. Simone Gold: Facts About the COVID-19 Experimental Vaccines” -- https://www.educationviews.org/dr-simone-gold-facts-about-the-covid-19-experimental-vaccines/), than I began to receive e-mails from people saying, “Donna, did you hear that Dr. Simone Gold was arrested by the FBI for being at the Capitol riot?”
I quickly began to see if this was true, and I read as much coverage on the subject as I could find.
Here is the link to the unsigned affidavit filed by an unidentified FBI agent against Dr. Simone Gold: https://www.justice.gov/opa/page/file/1356546/download
In it, I see nothing that indicates Dr. Simone Gold was involved in any rioting, destruction of property, violence, or altercation with uniformed officers.
From what I could find, Dr. Gold was there to speak at a Rally for Health Freedom; and when she got into the Capitol, she used a bullhorn to deliver her speech as she read from a scroll.
“A CNN video shows a woman who appears to be Gold walking through the Capitol’s National Statuary Hall, while another recording shows her giving a speech to a small group of people, court documents allege.”
That does not sound like a rioter to me!
She told the Washington Post on 1.12.21, “I can certainly speak to the place that I was, and it most emphatically was not a riot.”
In fact, Dr. Gold was on the east side of the Capitol. The riots occurred on the west side of the Capitol. Of course, the FBI agent’s affidavit leaves out that very important fact as do all the “hit” pieces in the news media. They would like to pillory Dr. Gold for simply telling the medical truths about the COVID-19 vaccinations.
Here are excerpts from two articles that give the facts without the vitriolic commentary:
1.9.21 – LifeSiteNews – “In Some Videos, Capitol Police Appear To Let Protestors Into U. S. Capitol, Pose for Selfies” -- https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/videos-depict-capitol-police-letting-protesters-into-us-capitol-posing-for-selfies
[Please go to this article to view the various videos showing the crowd calmly entering the Capitol, walking within velvet ropes through Statuary Hall, and talking to Capitol Police standing by.]
Excerpts from this article:
…the vast majority of those who entered the Capitol — which is generally open to the public, provided they go through security — were simply following the crowd and then wandered around inside…Once inside, crowds can be seen walking within velvet ropes as they make their way through Statuary Hall unimpeded, Capitol Police standing by.
…Another video posted to YouTube shows an apparent Trump-supporter taking a selfie with an officer as other people mill about inside the Capitol.
1.22.21 – Right Country
“FBI Arrests Dr. Simone Gold For Being Present At Capitol Riot With A Megaphone”
Dr. Simone Gold led a team of doctors called America’s Frontline Doctors who attempted to stand up to the left’s politicization of the coronavirus and provide actual facts, truth, and science to the American people.
The group from around the country gathered in Washington DC and attempted to dispel rumors and disinformation associated with COVID-19 as well as promote the drug hydroxychloroquine, which they touted as a life-saving medication used to treat the coronavirus.
…They slammed the doctors relentlessly, tarnished their reputations, Big Tech banned their content and many of them, including Dr. Gold, lost their jobs.
Now it appears as though Dr. Simone Gold was in Washington DC on January 5th and 6th and spoke at an event at Freedom Plaza on the 5th. She later entered the US Capitol on the 6th and delivered her same medical speech from the 5th, using a bullhorn.
For this infraction, Dr. Gold was placed in the front row of the FBI’s most wanted release. She committed no acts of violence and was only in the building giving the speech.
Could it be that she was targeted by the FBI for more than just being present in the Capitol building on the 6th?
On Monday, Dr. Gold was arrested for being inside the Capitol and giving a medical speech with her megaphone.
…There is even a short, 30-second video in which Gold can be seen speaking in the Rotunda while two police officers stand behind her…
Gold told the post that where she was in the Capitol was “most emphatically” not a riot. She added that she gave the same speech she gave on the 5th and “was incredibly peaceful.”
…It makes sense for the FBI to want to arrest those who behaved in a violent and aggressive manner within the Capitol but clearly not everyone did, like Dr. Gold. Many people meant absolutely no harm and did not have bad intentions at all.
These people don’t deserve the same treatment as the rioters, who were likely Antifa and BLM members.
For her to be arrested would be the same as if law enforcement arrested peaceful protesters who attended events prior to Antifa and BLM riots in cities across the US.
The FBI clearly has a target on Dr. Gold’s back and it has nothing to do with her appearance at the Capitol on the 6th.
1.21.21 – LifeSiteNews
“Frontline Doctors founder Simone Gold arrested for entering Capitol on Jan 6”
Excerpts from this article:
Simone Gold, M.D., J.D., founder of the advocacy group America’s Frontline Doctors, was arrested on Sunday for having entered the U.S. Capitol on January 6, the Department of Justice (DOJ) revealed. The DOJ added that she was “released on conditions” and has a virtual hearing scheduled for Thursday.
Federal agents arrested Gold in California days after she publicly admitted that she had followed other protesters into the Capitol building two weeks ago, as Congress was scheduled to certify the 2020 presidential election. Officials also arrested John Strand, the communications director for America’s Frontline Doctors, who had joined Gold at the Capitol.
“I can certainly speak to the place that I was, and it most emphatically was not a riot,” Gold told the Washington Post in an interview on January 12.
She noted that she had traveled to Washington, D.C. to speak at a “Rally for Health Freedom” on the east side of the Capitol. “Where I was incredibly peaceful,” Gold said, adding that she thought protesters were legally entering the Capitol building.
Widely viewed footage from the Capitol on January 6 shows police removing barricades for protesters and standing by as they wander through the building. The DOJ has stated that there is no direct evidence that protesters intended to kill or capture lawmakers.
Photos and video cited in the affidavit supporting Gold’s arrest warrant appear to show her walking through the doors of the Capitol building amid a crowd of protesters and giving a speech in Statutory Hall. While Gold was charged with “violent entry and disorderly conduct,” the affidavit never claims that Gold or Strand acted violently.
Gold estimated that she spent 20 minutes inside the Capitol building before police ushered her out. She delivered part of a speech that she had given at another rally in D.C. the day before…