
Election Rigging – Navarro Volume 3: Part 6 of 8”
By Henry W. Burke

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On 1.16.21, Dr. Peter Navarro released Volume 3 in his series of reports on election rigging and election fraud in the 2020 Election:

Yes, President Trump Won: The Case, Evidence, & Statistical Receipts” – Volume 3 – by Peter Navarro 


The other Navarro Reports include:

12.15.20 -- “The Immaculate Deception: Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities” – By Dr. Peter Navarro


1.5.21 – “The Art of the Steal: Volume 2” – by Dr. Peter Navarro


In the latest Navarro Report (Vol. 3), Peter Navarro states:

Volume 3 of the Navarro Report is designed to serve as a capstone to what has been a comprehensive analysis of the question: Was the 2020 presidential election stolen from Donald J. Trump? In this report, we provide the most up-to-date statistical “receipts” with respect to the potential number of illegal votes in each battleground state.

The broader goal of this final installment of the Navarro Report is to provide investigators with a well-documented tally of potentially illegal votes on a state-by-state and category-by-category basis.

I have prepared several Tables to present the information in the Volume 3 Navarro Report.  Tables 1 and 2 show the voter irregularities and illegalities (i.e., election rigging and election fraud) in the six key states (Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Nevada).

Table 1 – Vote Irregularities and Illegalities in Pennsylvania, Georgia and Michigan






Absentee ballots cast without statutorily required application
Absentee ballots cast that arrived after Election Day 10,000
Absentee ballots cast that were requested before & after statutory deadline 305,701
Absentee ballots cast from addresses other than where voters legally reside 14,328
Absentee ballots cast that were returned on or before the postmark date 58,221
Absentee ballots cast without a postmark 9,005
Absentee ballots requested under the name of a registered voter without consent 27,825
Dead voters 8,021 10,315  482
Double voters: In-state  742 395
Felon voters 2,560
Ghost voters 15,700
Illegal ballot harvesting
Indefinitely confined voter abuses
Juvenile voters (< 18 years old) 66,247
Mail-in ballots cast by voters registered after the registration deadline
No address on file for voter 1,043 35,109
Non-citizen voters
No corresponding voter registration numbers 174,384
Non-registered voters (not on voter rolls) 2,423
Out-of-state voters who voted in-state 7,426 20,312 13,248
Over-votes 202,377
Poll watcher & poll observer abuses 680,774
Signature matching errors
Voting machine irregularities (fake/manufactured ballots & spikes) 136,155 195,755
Voters over 100 years old 1,573
Voters who voted in the wrong county 40,279
Possible Illegal Votes 992,467 601,130 446,803
Biden “Victory” Margin 81,660 11,779 154,818


Notes for Tables 1 and 2:

1. Most of the descriptions of voter irregularities and illegalities are self-explanatory.

2. In Wisconsin, election officials encouraged voters to claim “indefinitely confined” to avoid voter identification requirements. There were 170,140 such voters in 2020.  (These voters were seen at weddings, riding their bikes, and taking vacations.)

3. In Georgia, officials counted 305,701 ballots that were cast by individuals who requested absentee ballots more than 180 days before the absentee ballot deadline (in blatant violation of Georgia Election Code).

4. In Pennsylvania, 58,221 absentee ballots were counted that were returned on or before the postmark on the envelope.

5. Double voters are voters who voted twice.

6. Ghost voters are voters who requested and submitted ballots under the names of voters who no longer reside at a particular address.

7. In Wisconsin, illegal ballot harvesting occurred. Some 17,271 ballots were cast at 200 illegal polling places through “Democracy in the Park” events (in direct violation of Wisconsin law).

8. Over-votes are when there are more ballots cast than registered voters in the state. Pennsylvania and Arizona accomplished the remarkable feat of exceeding 100 % of the  registered voters in the state!  Over-votes in Pennsylvania were 202,377 while Arizona saw 11,676 over-votes.

9. In Pennsylvania, Certified Republican poll observers were kept at distances over 300 feet to observe the vote counting of 680,774 votes. Also they were prevented from seeing the back rooms where vote processing took place.

10. In Georgia, a large vote spike showed 136,155 additional votes for Biden. In Michigan, two vote spikes in the early hours of Nov. 4 dumped 54,497 and 141,258 additional votes for Biden (54,497 + 141,258 = 195,755 total votes). In Wisconsin, a vote spike of 143,379 votes occurred on Nov. 4 at 3:42 a.m.

Table 2– Vote Irregularities and Illegalities in Arizona, Wisconsin and Nevada






Absentee ballots cast without statutorily required application 170,140
Absentee ballots cast that arrived after Election Day
Absentee ballots cast that were requested before & after statutory deadline
Absentee ballots cast from addresses other than where voters legally reside 19,997 15,000
Absentee ballots cast that were returned on or before the postmark date 22,903
Absentee ballots cast without a postmark
Absentee ballots requested under the name of a registered voter without consent
Dead voters 1,506
Double voters: In-state 157 234 42,284
Felon voters
Ghost voters 5,790
Illegal ballot harvesting 17,271
Indefinitely confined voter abuses 216,000
Juvenile voters (< 18 years old)
Mail-in ballots cast by voters registered after the registration deadline 150,000
No address on file for voter 2,000 8,000
Non-citizen voters 36,473 4,000
No corresponding voter registration numbers
Non-registered voters (not on voter rolls)
Out-of-state voters who voted in-state 5,726 6,848 19,218
Over-votes 11,676
Poll watcher & poll observer abuses
Signature matching errors 130,000
Voting machine irregularities (fake/manufactured ballots & spikes) 143,379
Voters over 100 years old
Voters who voted in the wrong county
Possible Illegal Votes 254,722 553,872 220,008
Biden “Victory” Margin 10,457 20,682 33,596


Table 3 summarizes the Electoral Votes, Vote Margins, and Fraudulent Votes for the six key states.  Note that the Total Fraudulent Votes (3,069,002) are about 10 times the Vote Margin (312,992) separating President Trump and Joe Biden.

Table 3– Summary: 2020 Presidential Election Results and Fraud









Fraudulent Votes

1 Pennsylvania 20 81,660 992,467
1 Georgia 16 11,779 601,130
1 Michigan 16 154,818 446,803
2 Arizona 11 10,457 254,722
2 Wisconsin 10 20,682 553,872
2 Nevada 6 33,596 220,008
Totals 79 312,992 3,069,002


The Electoral Votes are summarized in Table 4.  If the blatant election fraud had been dealt with properly by the U. S. Supreme Court, the Electoral Votes would have appeared as shown in Table 4.  Thereby, President Donald Trump would be the President for another four years!

Table 4– 2020 Presidential Election Electoral Votes





Joe Biden

President Trump

Pennsylvania 20
Georgia 16
Michigan 16
Arizona 11
Wisconsin 10
Nevada 6
Total Electoral Votes

(Before these states)

459 227 232
Electoral Votes

(These six states)

79 0 79
Total Electoral Votes

(All states)

538 227  311



The Concluding Remarks for the Volume 3 Navarro Report state:

Based on the analysis and the granular, documented quantities of illegal votes in this report, the only thing that must happen now as we engage in a peaceful transition of power is a FULL investigation of this matter.

  • The Department of Justice should immediately appoint a Special Counsel BEFORE the Biden administration begins.
  • State legislators and Attorneys General in the battleground states, particularly Republican states, must launch similar investigations.

Absent a full investigation, we as a nation run the risk of institutionalizing a rigged electoral system in which a large segment of America will no longer have faith in. That’s why clearing the air about the 2020 presidential election is not just about Donald J. Trump but rather about something much larger and of far more import —the future of our election system, the public perception of that system, and ultimately the future of our free and democratic Republic.


Henry W. Burke

