“Election Rigging – Trump Win Likely: Part 4 of 8”
By Henry W. Burke

Are you EXPLODING WITH FRUSTRATION over these rigged elections? After you read “Election Rigging – Part 4: Trump Win Likely!,” please take the ACTION STEPS posted at the bottom of the page which could help save America from inevitable destruction.
It is time for the U.S. Supreme Court to rule that the 2020 Election was fraudulent on an unprecedented scale!
Because the illegal-fraudulent votes exceed the Vote Margin (difference in votes between President Trump and Joe Biden in each State), President Trump clearly won in these four States (Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin).
When President Trump wins in these four States, he earns 294 Electoral Votes, enough to surpass the 270 Electoral Vote threshold. President Trump wins reelection!
On December 8, 2020, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a Lawsuit with the U. S. Supreme Court against four Defendant States (Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin). Here is the link to the filing:
Please keep this Lawsuit document for future reference.
All of the facts and figures in this report are taken from the Texas Lawsuit.
Expert Statistical Analysis:
1) Winning Independently
The probability of Joe Biden winning the popular vote in these four States (Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin) independently, given President Trump’s early lead in those States as of 3:00 a.m. on November 4, 2020, is less than one in a quadrillion (1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000).
2) Winning Collectively
In order for Joe Biden to win the popular vote in these four states collectively (Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin), the probability is less than one in a quadrillion to the fourth power! (This is 1,000,000,000,000,0004).
The Texas Lawsuit states: “Put simply, there is substantial reason to doubt the voting results in the Defendant States” (Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin).
As stated in the Texas Lawsuit:
The number of absentee and mail-in ballots that have been handled unconstitutionally in Defendant States greatly exceeds the difference between the vote totals of the two candidates for President of the United States in each Defendant State.
A record number of mail-in votes (about 65 million) were cast in the 2020 Election. In the 2016 Election, 33.5 million mail-in ballots were cast (an increase of 94 %). [According to the Pew Research Center]
Very importantly, the non-legislative changes to the election rules violated the Electors Clause of the U.S. Constitution!
Several Legal Charges:
1). Huge increase in mail-in ballots (no voter ID, signature verification, etc.).
2). Non-legislative amendments to election laws (not approved by State Legislatures).
3). Intrastate differences in treatment of voters.
4). No chain of custody (illegal drop boxes, machines, ballots, flash drives).
5). Voting irregularities (late night vote switches and vote dumps, etc.).
6). Violation of Electors Clause of U.S. Constitution (Article II, Section 1).
Table S – Summary: 2020 Presidential Election Votes for These Four States
No. |
State |
Electoral Votes |
Biden Votes |
Trump Votes |
Vote Margin |
Fraudulent Votes |
1 | Pennsylvania | 20 | 3,445,548 | 3,363,951 | 81,597 | 518,426 |
2 | Georgia | 16 | 2,472,098 | 2,458,121 | 13,977 | 43,587 |
3 | Michigan | 16 | 2,796,702 | 2,650,695 | 146,007 | 180,384 |
4 | Wisconsin | 10 | 1,630,716 | 1,610,151 | 20,565 | 225,000 |
Totals | 62 | 10,345,064 | 10,082,918 | 262,146 | ||
Electoral Votes: | ||||||
Total Electoral Votes
(Before these States) |
476 | 244 | 232 | |||
Electoral Votes (These Four States) | 62 | 0 | 62 | |||
Total Electoral Votes
(All States) |
538 | 244 | 294 |
1. Vote Totals for each candidate are taken from the Texas Lawsuit.
2. Fraudulent Votes were transferred from Tables 1-4 (for the four States).
3. When the fraudulent vote total for each State exceeds the Vote Margin, President Trump wins that State.
4. The Fraudulent Votes do not include the many nefarious vote switching and changing actions perpetrated through Dominion Voting Systems. Quite likely, these fraudulent Dominion vote totals will overshadow the numbers listed in this Table.
Pennsylvania Votes:
Pennsylvania has 20 Electoral Votes.
The statewide vote tally for Joe Biden is 3,445,548.
The statewide vote tally for President Trump is 3,363,951.
This is a vote margin difference of 81,597 votes.
The number of votes affected by the Constitutional violations exceeds the margin of votes separating the two candidates.
Pennsylvania violated three election rules in the 2020 Election:
1). They eliminated the signature verification requirements.
2). They extended the deadline for ballots to three days after Election Day and accepted non-postmarked ballots as timely.
3). They blocked poll watchers in Philadelphia and Allegheny Counties, in violation of State Law.
The non-legislative changes to the election rules violated the Electors Clause of the U. S. Constitution.
Violated Election Laws:
1). No Signature Verification
Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State, Kathy Boockvar (Democrat), without legislative approval, unilaterally abrogated Pennsylvania’s statutes requiring signature verification for mail-in ballots or absentee ballots. The Pennsylvania Legislature did not ratify these changes.
Approximately 70 % of the requests for absentee ballots came from Democrats, and 25 % came from Republicans.
2). Late Votes
The Pennsylvania Legislature (in 2019) established a deadline of 8:00 p.m. on Election Day as the deadline for mail-in ballots.
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court extended the deadline to three days after Election Day and adopted a presumption that even non-postmarked ballots were presumptively timely.
3). Inadequate Poll Observers
Pennsylvania election law requires poll watchers to be present during opening, counting and recording of ballots.
4). Unequal Treatment of Voters
Secretary Boockvar sent an e-mail to local election officials urging them to contact voters to “cure” defective mail-in ballots. This permitted an illegal practice (early removal of ballots from their locked containers). This scheme was followed only in Democrat-majority counties.
State election officials treated the largely Democrat voters in Philadelphia and Allegheny Counties differently than voters in the other counties.
5). No Signature Verification
Absentee and mail-in ballots used an illegal standard for signature verification. It is now impossible to determine which ballots were cast properly and which were not.
Election Facts and Figures:
Rep. Francis Ryan is a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. The Ryan Report found:
There were 9,005 ballots with “No Mailed” date.
There were 58,221 ballots returned “On” or “Before” the Mailed Date.
There were 51,200 ballots returned “One Day” after the Mailed Date.
These nonsensical numbers total 118,426 ballots and exceed Biden’s margin by 36,829 votes.
These nonsensical numbers pale in comparison to the ballots distributed to the populace -- not subject to legislated signature verification.
On November 2, 2020, the State showed that 2.7 million mail-in ballots had been sent out.
On November 4, 2020 the State file showed that 3.1 million mail-in ballots had been sent out.
This is an unexplained difference of 400,000 ballots from November 2 to November 4!
Table 1 – Minimum Fraudulent Votes in Pennsylvania 2020 Election
Illegal-Fraudulent Action |
Minimum Number of Votes |
Fraudulent ballots – received late | 118,426 |
Unexplained difference in sent/received ballots | 400,000 |
Total Minimum Number of Illegal Votes | 518,426 |
Georgia Votes:
Georgia has 16 Electoral Votes.
The statewide vote tally for Joe Biden was 2,472,098.
The statewide vote tally for President Trump was 2,458,121.
The margin difference is 13,977.
[The Lawsuit document shows the old figure of 12,670 votes.]
The number of votes affected by the Constitutional violations exceeds the margin of votes separating the two candidates.
Violated Election Laws:
1). No Signature Verification
Without legislative approval, Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (Republican) unilaterally abrogated Georgia’s statute governing the signature verification process for absentee ballots.
2). Illegal Early Opening of Ballots
Georgia Statute prohibits the opening of absentee ballots until after the polls open on Election Day. In April, 2020, the State Election Board adopted a Rule that allows Processing Ballots Prior to Election Day. That rule authorizes election officials to begin processing absentee ballots up to three weeks before Election Day.
3). Illegal Voter Certification
Georgia law requires a single registrar to reject an absentee ballot if one of these occurs: Voter failed to sign the required oath or provide the required information, the signature appears invalid, the required information does not match the information on file, or if the voter is found ineligible to vote.
Georgia law provides absentee voters the chance to “cure” the information. The deadline for verifying provisional ballots is three days after the election. Georgia law requires the election official to notify the voter and Elector in writing.
4). Illegal Voter Identification Changes
On March 6, 2020 (in Democratic Party v. Georgia), Georgia Secretary of State entered into a Compromise Settlement Agreement to materially change the statutory requirements for absentee ballot signatures. [Compliments of Stacey Abrams] This made it far more difficult to challenge defective signatures.
Very importantly, the Georgia Legislature has not ratified these material changes coming from the Compromise Agreement. This unconstitutional change in Georgia law materially benefitted Joe Biden.
5). Illegal Vote Counting without Election Observers
According to security camera video footage, election officials pulled suitcases of ballots from under the tables and processed the ballots for several hours very late at night. [Reliable estimates indicate that at least 18,000 ballots were counted with no poll observers present.]
Election Facts and Figures:
There were 1,305,659 absentee mail-in ballots submitted in the Georgia 2020 Election. Some 4,786 mail-in ballots were rejected; this is a rejection rate of 0.37 %. In contrast with the 2016 Election, 13,677 mail-in ballots were rejected out of 213,033 mail-in ballots submitted; this is a rejection rate of 6.42 %.
Thus, the rejection rate for mail-in ballots was 17 times higher in the 2016 Election! Is it reasonable to expect these 1 million plus “new” mail-in voters to have a rejection rate 17 times lower than 2016?
If the rejection rate for 2020 had remained the same as 2016, there would be 83,517 fewer tabulated ballots in 2020. When adjustments are made for the Trump/Biden split, Trump votes would decrease by 28,965 votes, and Biden votes would decrease by 54,552 votes. The net gain for President Trump would be 25,587. This would be more than enough to erase the so-called Biden advantage of 13,977 votes.
Table 2 – Minimum Fraudulent Votes in Georgia 2020 Election
Illegal-Fraudulent Action |
Minimum Number of Votes |
Illegal ballot counting with no poll observers present | 18,000 |
Rejection of illegal ballots | 25,587 |
Total Minimum Number of Illegal Votes | 43,587 |
Michigan Votes:
Michigan has 16 Electoral Votes.
The statewide vote tally for Joe Biden is currently 2,796,702 votes.
The statewide vote tally for President Trump is currently 2,650,695 votes.
This is a vote difference or margin of 146,007 votes favoring Joe Biden.
The number of votes affected by the Constitutional violations exceeds the margin of votes separating the two candidates.
Violated Election Laws:
1). Illegal Ballot Applications
Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (Democrat), without legislative approval, unilaterally abrogated Michigan election statutes related to absentee ballot applications and signature verification. The Michigan Legislature has not ratified these changes.
As amended in 2018, the Michigan Constitution gives all registered voters the right to request an absentee ballot, without stating a reason.
2). Illegal Mass Mailing of Ballot Applications
On May 19, 2020, Secretary of State Benson announced that her office would send unsolicited absentee ballot applications by mail to all 7.7 million registered Michigan voters prior to the Primary and General Elections. Instead of ensuring the accuracy of the historic flood of mail-in votes, her office eliminated protections designed to deter voter fraud.
Secretary Benson’s actions violated Michigan State Statute in three specific ways. An application for an absent voter ballot under this section may be made in any of the following ways:
(a) By a written request signed by the voter
(b). On an absent voter ballot application form provided for that purpose by the clerk of the city or township
(c). On a federal postcard application
The Michigan Legislature clearly declined to include the Secretary of State as a means for distributing absentee ballot applications. By Statutes, only local clerks have that power. Secretary Benson lacked authority to distribute a single absentee ballot application, much less millions of applications!
3). No Signature Verification
Secretary Benson also violated Michigan law when she launched a program in June 2020 to allow absentee ballots to be requested online without signature verification, as required under Michigan law. The Michigan Legislature did not authorize her unilateral actions.
Election Facts and Figures:
These illegal changes led to a huge increase in mail-in ballots. In 2016, only 587,618 voters requested absentee ballots. In stark contrast, in 2020, 3.2 million votes were cast by absentee ballots (five times as many votes even requested as in 2016). Absentee votes account for 57 % of the total votes cast in the 2020 Election.
Because twice as many Democrats as Republicans voted by mail in Michigan, these unconstitutional changes greatly benefited Joe Biden.
Michigan law requires poll watchers and inspectors. Election officials in Wayne County made a conscious policy decision not to follow Michigan Compiled Laws (MCL) for the opening, counting, and recording of absentee ballots. Also, Wayne County election officials ignored statutory signature verification requirements for absentee ballots.
In Wayne County, Joe Biden received 587,074 votes or 68 % of the votes cast there. Trump received 264,149 votes or 31 % of the total vote. Clearly, Joe Biden benefited from the unconstitutional changes to Michigan election law. These constitutionally illegal votes far exceed the margin of votes separating the candidates in Michigan.
The Wayne County Statement of Votes lists:
There were 566,694 absentee ballots. Of those, 174,384 ballots (31 %) had no registration number for precincts in Detroit. This means those votes are not tied to a registered voter. The 174,384 votes not tied to a registered voter exceed the margin between Trump and Biden (146,007) by 28,377 votes.
“The extra ballots cast most likely resulted from the phenomenon of Wayne County election workers running the same ballots through a tabulator multiple times, with Republican poll watchers obstructed or denied access, and election officials ignoring poll watchers’ challenges as documented by numerous declarations.”
On November 4, 2020, Michigan election officials admitted that a purported “glitch” caused 6,000 votes for President Trump to be wrongly switched to Joe Biden. A flash drive containing tens of thousands of votes was left unattended in the Milwaukee tabulations center in the early morning hours of November 4, 2020.
On November 18, 2020, two Republican members of the Canvassers Board rescinded their votes to certify the vote and signed affidavits that they were bullied and misled into approving the election results. They do not believe the votes should be certified until serious election irregularities are resolved.
Table 3 – Minimum Fraudulent Votes in Michigan 2020 Election
Illegal-Fraudulent Action |
Minimum Number of Votes |
Illegal ballots with no registered voter | 174,384 |
Dominion – Votes switched from Trump to Biden | 6,000 |
Total Minimum Number of Illegal Votes | 180,384 |
Wisconsin Votes:
Wisconsin has 10 Electoral Votes.
The statewide vote tally for Joe Biden is currently 1,630,716.
The statewide vote tally for President Trump is currently 1,610,151.
The difference or margin is 20,565 votes.
The number of votes affected by the Constitutional violations exceeds the margin of votes separating the two candidates.
Violated Election Laws:
Wisconsin Statutes guard against fraud in absentee ballots.
1). Illegal Drop Boxes
In opposition to Wisconsin law, Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) unconstitutionally modified Wisconsin election laws, eliminating procedures established by the Wisconsin Legislature to ensure absentee ballot integrity.
The WEC positioned hundreds of drop boxes (many unmanned) to collect absentee ballots. The mayors of Wisconsin’s five largest cities (Green Bay, Kenosha, Madison, Milwaukee, and Racine) with Democrat majorities, promoted the illegal drop boxes.
2). Abuse of “Indefinitely Confined” to avoid voter ID Laws
Wisconsin law allows voters to avoid security measures like signature verification and photo identification if they are “indefinitely confined.” This was intended to certify confinement due to age, physical illness, infirmity, or disability.
On March 25, 2020, in clear violation of Wisconsin law, Dane County Clerk Scott McDonnell and Milwaukee County Clerk George Christensen issued guidance telling all voters that they should mark themselves as “indefinitely confined” because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
On March 31, 2020, the Wisconsin Supreme Court unanimously confirmed that the clerk’s “advice was legally incorrect.”
3). Incomplete Voter Certification
Under Wisconsin law, voters must complete a certification, including their address. Also they must have the envelope witnessed by an adult who must sign and include their address on the envelope. The sole remedy to “cure” an improperly completed certificate is to return the ballot to the voter (elector).
On April 1, 2020, Milwaukee issued a training video unilaterally declaring that a “witness address may be written in red…” On October 19, 2020, the WEC issued similar guidance. This guidance violates Wisconsin Statutes. The Wisconsin Legislature has not ratified these changes.
4). Backdating of Envelopes by the U.S. Postal Service (USPS)
A box truck delivery driver was a subcontractor to the USPS for delivering mail-in ballots to the Madison, Wisconsin sorting center. He testified that USPS employees were backdating ballots received after November 3, 2020.
Election Facts and Figures:
Wisconsin saw a huge increase in mail-in ballots in the 2020 Election.
In the 2016 General Election, 146,932 mail-in ballots were returned out of more than 3 million votes cast. In stark contrast, the 2020 Election saw 1,275,019 mail-in ballots returned (a nearly 900 % increase over the 2016 Election).
The Wisconsin Secretary of State is Douglas La Follette (Democrat).
Over 500 unmanned, illegal drop boxes were used in the 2020 Election.
The Legislature developed detailed procedures for the receipt of mail-in ballots. The unmanned drop boxes are prohibited by the Wisconsin Legislature.
“Ballots cast in contravention of the procedures may not be counted.”
The WEC directive on “indefinitely confined” violated Wisconsin law.
According to the WEC, 216,000 voters said they were indefinitely confined in the 2020 Election. In contrast, 57,000 voters were indefinitely confined in 2016 (almost a fourfold increase). [Assume at least 125,000 voters illegally used the “indefinitely confined” rule in 2020.]
The same USPS subcontracted driver (under backdating envelopes testimony) described how a senior USPS employee told him on November 4, 2020 that “100,000 ballots were missing.” The USPS dispatched employees to “find the ballots.” They supposedly “found” the missing ballots. The 100,000 “lost and found” ballots greatly exceed the 20,565 vote margin between Trump and Biden.
Table 4– Minimum Fraudulent Votes in Wisconsin 2020 Election
Illegal-Fraudulent Action |
Minimum Number of Votes |
Illegal use of “Indefinitely Confined” rule | 125,000 |
Lost and Found ballots | 100,000 |
Total Minimum Number of Illegal Votes | 225,000 |
Based on the evidence presented in the Texas Lawsuit, numerous illegal activities occurred in the 2020 Presidential Election in the four Defendant States (Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin). This report summarizes some of the illegal-fraudulent election activities that took place in those States.
It is time for the U.S. Supreme Court to rule that the 2020 Election was fraudulent on a massive scale. Because the illegal-fraudulent votes exceed the Vote Margin (difference between President Trump and Joe Biden in each State), President Trump clearly won in these four States.
When President Trump wins in these four States, he earns 294 Electoral Votes, enough to surpass the 270 Electoral Vote threshold. President Trump wins reelection!
12.17.20 -- “Peter Navarro Issues Report on Voting Irregularities: ‘The Emperor, In the Election, Has No Clothes’” - By Tom Ozimek – Epoch Times -- https://www.theepochtimes.com/peter-navarro-issues-report-on-voting-irregularities-the-emperor-in-the-election-has-no-clothes_3622874.html?utm_source=news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-2020-12-17-3
(1) Let’s contact our U. S. Senators and urge them strongly to object during the Joint Session on Jan. 6, 2021 to the electoral votes from states whose election results cannot be trusted. Senators must not only rise to object but must also vote in the majority because of the evidence of election rigging as explained in the report which follows.
(2) U. S. Senators Ron Johnson, Rand Paul, and Sen.-elect Tommy Tuberville have already indicated they may rise to object. Let’s contact them in support.
(3) We must also contact the governors and state legislators in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin to demand that they convene a special session to look at the evidence of election rigging.
When all states do not conduct their elections safely, then each of our votes is jeopardized.
To see Parts 1 - 3 of “Election Rigging,” follow these Links:
Election Rigging (Part 1)
Election Rigging – Part 2
Election Rigging – Part 3
Henry W. Burke