
“FDA’s Blatant Political Move To Destroy Inexpensive and Successful HCQ Protocol for COVID-19”

By Donna Garner

A yellow tape with the words crimes against humanity written on it.


Excerpts from this article: https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/502748-fda-withdraws-emergency-use-authorization-for-hydroxychloroquine


  • The most damning article (i.e., Lancet) has been withdrawn. [6.3.20 -- “Lancet Issues Expression of Concern over Its Hit Piece on Hydroxychloroquine” –By Donna Garner – EdViews.org -- https://www.educationviews.org/lancet-issues-expression-of-concern-over-its-hit-piece-on-hydroxycloroquine/]
  • A study from NYU’s Grossman School of Medicine that showed the importance of using zinc along with HCQ -- (Here is the study from NYU’s Grossman School of Medicine dated 5.2.20 that shows the importance of the three-drug protocol which must include zinc:  https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.02.20080036v1.full.pdf )
  • All "studies" that showed "no effect" with HCQ failed to administer zinc concomitantly.
  • David R. Boulware's prophylactic study showed an advantage of using HCQ, but it was not statistically significant...again, did not use in concert with zinc. The very high doses of HCQ that Boulware’s team used account for the GI symptoms.  There was no reported cardiac toxicity.
  • HCQ has been used safely by millions of people over the last 60 years.
  • There are thousands of reports of successful treatment of COVID-19, early in its course, on an outpatient basis (largely avoiding hospitalization).  There are no pure "studies," but collectively the many successful anecdotal studies point toward the use of the HCQ protocol.
  • Trump never said HCQ was a "miracle drug." He indicated the drug showed promise in French studies.
  • This FDA decision is a blatantly political move disconnected from reality and objective support.]

**COMMENTS FROM DONNA GARNER:  I do need to make an important point that many medical doctors (who are using the COVID-19 protocol successfully with their patients) are emphasizing:

No one should talk about hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin without including the importance of giving patients zinc. HCQ is the facilitator while zinc is the actor. The HCQ promotes higher levels of zinc in the cells.  The higher level of zinc blocks COVID-19 from hijacking the cells’ own machinery to make more viral COVID-19.  Many people are marginally or seriously deficient in zinc; acute illness makes zinc deficiency worse. The COVID-19 treatment protocol should always call for both HCQ and zinc with or without azithromycin.  


6.15.20 – The Hill article starts here:  

“FDA withdraws emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine”
 By Nathaniel Weixel

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has withdrawn the emergency use authorization for two controversial coronavirus treatment drugs promoted by President Trump because of serious safety issues.

The agency said recent clinical trial failures mean chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine may not be effective to treat COVID-19 and that their potential benefits do not outweigh the risks.

Doctors have warned that the drugs can cause serious heart problems, but the FDA had previously allowed their use in hospitals and during clinical trials.

Trump spent weeks promoting the drugs as a potential miracle treatment for COVID-19, despite scant evidence. Under pressure, the FDA in March granted emergency use authorization.



6.1.20 -- “Lancet Authors:  Ignore 9 of 10 Mistakes Made in Hydroxychloroquine Study” -- By Donna Garner – EdViews.org -- https://www.educationviews.org/more-than-100-scientists-question-findings-in-lancet-study-on-hydroxychloroquine/

5.14.20 –  “Fauci’s Remdesivir: Inadequate to Treat COVID-19 and Potentially Lethal: An Analysis of the Science and Politics” -- by Peter R. Breggin, MD and Ginger Ross Breggin – EdViews.org -- https://www.educationviews.org/faucis-remdesivir-inadequate-to-treat-covid-19-and-potentially-lethal/
