12.7.20 – Zero Hedge

For the First Time, a U.S. State Will Require Disclosure of PCR 'Cycle Threshold' Data in COVID Tests”
By Tyler Durden



Excerpts from this article:


As a reminder, "cycle thresholds" (Ct) are the level at which widely used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test can detect a sample of the COVID-19 virus. The higher the number of cycles, the lower the amount of viral load in the sample; the lower the cycles, the more prevalent the virus was in the original sample.

Numerous epidemiological experts have argued that cycle thresholds are an important metric by which patients, the public, and policymakers can make more informed decisions about how infectious and/or sick an individual with a positive COVID-19 test might be. However, as JustTheNews reports, health departments across the country are failing to collect that data.

Here are a few headlines from those experts and scientific studies:

1. Experts compiled three datasets with officials from the states of Massachusetts, New York and Nevada that conclude:“Up to 90% of the people who tested positive did not carry a virus."

2. The Wadworth Center, a New York State laboratory, analyzed the results of its July tests at the request of the NYT: 794 positive tests with a Ct of 40: “With a Ct threshold of 35, approximately half of these PCR tests would no longer be considered positive,” said the NYT. “And about 70% would no longer be considered positive with a Ct of 30! “

3. An appeals court in Portugal has ruled that the PCR process is not a reliable test for Sars-Cov-2, and therefore any enforced quarantine based on those test results is unlawful.

4. A new study from the Infectious Diseases Society of America, found that at 25 cycles of amplification, 70% of PCR test "positives" are not "cases" since the virus cannot be cultured, it's dead. And by 35: 97% of the positives are non-clinical.

5. PCR is not testing for disease, it's testing for a specific RNA pattern and this is the key pivot. When you crank it up to 25, 70% of the positive results are not really "positives" in any clinical sense, since it cannot make you or anyone else sick

So, in summary, with regard to our current "casedemic", positive tests as they are counted today do not indicate a “case” of anything. They indicate that viral RNA was found in a nasal swab. It may be enough to make you sick, but…probably won’t. And certainly not sufficient replication of the virus to make anyone else sick. But you will be sent home for ten days anyway, even if you never have a sniffle. And this is the number the media breathlessly reports... and is used to fearmonger mask mandates and lockdowns nationwide...

All of which is background for an intriguing decision made by Florida's Department of Health (and signed off on by Florida's Republican Governor Ron deSantis).

For the first time in the history of the pandemic, a state will require that all labs in the state report the critical “cycle threshold” level of every COVID-19 test they perform.

All positive, negative and indeterminate COVID-19 laboratory results must be reported to FDOH via electronic laboratory reporting or by fax immediately. This includes all COVID-19 test types - polymerase chain reaction (PCR), other RNA, antigen and antibody results.

Cycle threshold (CT) values and their reference ranges, as applicable, must be reported by laboratories to FDOH via electronic laboratory reporting or by fax immediately.

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12.1.20 –  “HOW TO INTERPRET A PCR TEST” – by Dr. Chris Martenson

Any positive PCR result with CT (Cycle Threshold) of 30 or lower indicates an active infection. Treat accordingly.

Any CT between 30 and 35 is suspect. May indicate active infection or may be inactive. It also may be inactive or a false positive. Take prophylactic measures but don’t worry too much.

Any CT between 35 and 40 is increasingly useless.  It might be asymptomatic. You might have gotten over it, or you might be at the early stages. However, there are  clinical symptoms, you have nothing to worry about.

Any CT “positive” result over 40 is complete garbage. Or, more gently, “scientifically and diagnostically meaningless.” 

The W. H. O.’s test standards with a CT of 45 is beyond garbage!


12.1.20 – “Positive COVID Test? Ask This Question!”  -- by Dr. Chris Martenson

LINK TO YOU TUBE VIDEO:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWqNl4UUlH0&feature=emb_logo
