“Frontline Doctors Speak to the Nation About COVID”
By Donna Garner

Doctors on the frontlines in the fight against COVID-19 took to the steps of the U. S. Supreme Court Building yesterday to plead their case publicly at the America’s Frontline Doctors’ Summit.
Dr. Simone Golden of America’s Frontline Doctors introduced the various physicians.
Many of the doctors spoke in support of the HCQ protocol (hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and azithromycin) and exposed publicly their dismay that this treatment has been vilified for political reasons by those in the public health hierarchy who have not been treating actual patients themselves for COVID.
[Dr. Stella Immanuel delivered an impassioned appeal about her personal experiences with the HCQ protocol. Please go to the bottom of this article to watch and/or to read what she said.]
Several doctors said that HCQ is known to be safer than Aspirin, Motrin, or Tylenol.
Dr. Golden stated that she estimated 70,000 to 100,000 people who died of COVID would be alive today if they had been treated with the HCQ protocol.
One person mentioned that South Dakota is the only state in the U. S. where doctors have been free to prescribe HCQ for prevention and treatment of COVID. [South Dakota’s Gov. Kristi Noem announced on April 13, 2020 that her state would conduct a clinical trial of HCQ. The results are that South Dakota has one of the lowest COVID death rates in the entire country, and no severe lockdown mandates were ever issued.]
Doctors indicated that HCQ is known to be safer than Aspirin, Motrin, or Tylenol.
A physician at UCLA said that two medical journals (Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine) have had to take the unprecedented steps of retracting their “studies” in which they vilified HCQ by using fraudulent data.
The fraudulent “studies” were done using terribly high doses of HCQ (2400 mg) whereas 200 mg. twice a week of HCQ along with zinc and azithromycin (when given early-on) are all that are needed to win the battle over COVID.
One of the doctors explained why people need to take extra zinc. The COVID virus decreases people’s zinc even more, causing people to lose their sense of taste and smell.
Another doctor said that he was one of the first back in March 2020 to present his research on the success of HCQ only to have it blocked by Google, YouTube, and Facebook.
A pediatrician said that in the United States there have been only 30 COVID deaths in children younger than 16 years of age, and most of them had comorbidities.
Many of the physicians spoke about the terrible damage that is being done to people young and old alike who are experiencing the psychological, emotional, and medical consequences of the lockdowns.
Numerous physicians indicated their strong support for the reopening of schools and suggested that school staffers should be given the opportunity to take HCQ as a perfectly safe prophylactic against COVID.
One of the most impassioned doctors who spoke was Dr. Stella Immanuel who is a primary care physician in Houston, Texas. To watch her gripping presentation, please go to marker 5:26 at: https://vimeo.com/442223327
[*Just in case the Vimeo video is blocked, this is a link to the bitchute.com link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/zr04GsUupOwk/ ]
Here is a transcription of much of what Dr. Immanuel said (taken from a Twitter tweet):
A primary care physician in Houston, Texas, Dr. Stella Immanuel, spoke in front of the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D. C. on Monday sharing her experience treating patients infected with the novel coronavirus, saying she’s not lost one and attributes that to the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine.
“I actually went to medical school in West Africa, in Nigeria where I took care of malaria patients, treated them with hydroxychloroquine and stuff like that, so I’m actually used to these medications,” Dr. Immanuel said. “I’m here because I have personally treated over 350 patients with COVID. Patients that have diabetes, patients that have high blood pressure, patients that have asthma, all people. I think my oldest patient is 92, 87-year-olds. And the result has been the same: put them on hydroxychloroquine, I put them on zinc, I put them on Zithromax, and they are all well.”
She continued, “For the past few months, I’ve taken care of over 350 patients. We’ve not lost one. Not a diabetic, not somebody with high blood pressure, not somebody with asthma, not an old person. We’eve not lost one patient. And, on top of that, I’ve put myself, my staff, and many doctors that I know on hydroxychloroquine for prevention because by the very mechanism of action, it works early…”
Dr. Immanuel’s practice treats 10-15 COVID patients each day, typically giving them breathing treatments, she said. The doctors, only wearing surgical masks, have avoided contracting the virus with the proactive measures of taking hydroxychloroquine for prevention.
Citing the National Institute of Health studies showing the success of hydroxychloroquine in treating COVID patients and one specifically used to treat a patient suffering from hiccups, an apparent symptom of the disease, the Doctor explained, “So if the NIH knows that treating the patient with hydroxychloroquine proves that hiccup is a symptom of COVID, then they definitely know that hydroxychloroquine works. I’m upset. Why I’m upset is that I see people that cannot breathe, I see patients walk in, I see diabetics walks in my office knowing that this is a death sentence and they can’t breathe and I hug them and I tell them ‘It’s gonna be ok, you’re gonna live.’ And we treat them and they live, none has died.”
“So, if some fake science, some person sponsored by all these fake pharma companies, say ‘oh, we’ve done studies, we’ve found out that it doesn’t work,’ I can tell you categorically it’s fake science. I want to know who is sponsoring that study, I want to know who is behind it because there is no way I can treat 350 patients and counting and nobody is dead, and they all did better and you’re gonna tell me that you treated 20 people, 40 people and it didn’t work.”
“I’m a true testament,” she added, “So I came here to Washington, D.C. to tell America, nobody needs to get sick. This virus has a cure, it’s called hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and Zithromax… you don’t need masks, there is a cure. I know they don’t want to open schools. No, you don’t need people to be locked down. There is prevention and there is a cure.”
Criticizing ‘fake doctors,’ using CNN’s Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta as one example, that are unconvinced by or against the use of hydroxychloroquine in treating COVID patients and want “double-blind studies,” Dr. Immanuel asked, “have you ever seen a COVID patient? Have you ever treated anybody with hydroxychloroquine and they died from heart disease?”
“When you do, come and talk to me because I sit down in my clinic every day and I see these patients walk in everyday scared to death. I see people driving two, three hours to my clinic because some ER doctor is scared….. of something and they will not prescribe this medication to these people.”
“I tell all of you doctors that are sitting down and watching Americans die, you’re like the good Germans that watched Jews get killed and you not speak up. If they come after me, they threaten me, I mean I’ve gotten all kinds of threats, or they’re gonna report me to the boards. I say, you know what, I don’t care, I’m not gonna let Americans die. And, if this is the hill where I will get nailed on, I will get nailed on it, I don’t care. You can report me to the boards, you can kill me , you can do whatever, but I’m not gonna let Americans die.”
7.7.20 – “New Study [Henry Ford Health System] Shows That Hydroxychloroquine Saves Lives, States Association of American Physicians & Surgeons (AAPS)”
Excerpts from this article:
4.27.20 – Fauci Knew About HCQ in 2005 – Nobody Needed To Die” – by Bryan Fischer – OneNewsNow
Excerpts from this article: