
GREAT NEWS: TMA Says Doctors May Use HCQ Protocol for COVID”
by Donna Garner


​Excerpts from this article:

After a group of highly concerned Texas Legislators had a conference call last Thursday with the president of the Texas Medical Board, Dr. Zaafran issued  a press release clarifying TMA’s position on the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for COVID-19.

Basically, Dr. Zaafran said that the only way the TMB would investigate a doctor is if the doctor claims HCQ is a “cure.” Supposedly, that is against statute if the FDA has not made such a statement.

Dr. Zaafran suggested doctors may say that HCQ has been “effective with their patients…they have seen good results…”

In other words, because of a simple “play on words,” untold numbers of Texans may have lost their lives when doctors were prevented from prescribing (outpatient and early-on) HCQ by itself or in conjunction with other drugs (e.g., azithromycin and zinc) for COVID.

Merriam Webster Dictionary:

Cure (noun): recovery or relief from a disease
Cure (verb): to restore to health, soundness, or normality
Synonyms for cure:  antidote, remedy, therapeutic

Doctor after doctor across the U. S. and throughout the world have testified that they saw their patients improve almost miraculously in a few short hours after they were given the HCQ protocol.

In other words, they “recovered, were relieved from COVID, and were restored to health through this antidote, remedy, or therapeutic.” 

That sounds to me as if HCQ fits precisely the definitions for the word “CURE.”

Following are excerpts taken from TMA President Zaafran’s 8.21.20 press release:

During his board meeting update, President Zaafran also addressed misinformation regarding the Board’s previous statement on COVID-19 treatments.

The Texas Medical Board has never prohibited the use of Hydroxychloroquine alone, or in conjunction with other drugs, for the treatment of COVID-19. In fact, the TMB does not prohibit any drug or treatment,” clarified Zaafran.

The off-label use of Hydroxychloroquine as an alternative therapy for COVID-19 patients is completely permissible. As is the case with any alternative therapy, physicians must ensure they comply with Board Rule 200 which requires physicians to provide full disclosure of treatment options, side effects, and obtain informed consent.”  

Licensees should not fear disciplinary action from the TMB simply for expressing their support of specific COVID-19 treatments like Hydroxychloroquine,” added Zaafran.

What providers should keep in mind is because there is no definitive cure, claims of a cure may constitute false, misleading or deceptive advertising, which is prohibited by law and may prompt an inquiry from the TMB.”

…TMB will continue to provide any updates on COVID-19 issues on the TMB website at www.tmb.state.tx.us/page/coronavirus.

For the latest COVID-19 information for health providers and the public, visit the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) COVID-19 web page at dshs.texas.gov/coronavirus/.

TMA Contact Information:
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