5.5.20 – Campaign for Working Families – by Gary Bauer

Holding China Accountable”

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“HoChina Accountable”

Last summer, President Trump tweeted that he was ordering American companies to "immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies home and making your products in the USA."

Predictably, the media mocked the president for acting like a dictator and exceeding his authority.  If only our corporate, media and political elites had acted then, we might not be in the terrible situation we are today.  And by that I mean our dependence on communist China for vital medical supplies and drugs.

For example, the 
Wall Street Journal reported over the weekend that "60% of 67 different types of imported masks," mostly from China, failed to meet U.S. safety standards.  This shouldn't surprise anybody given China's long history of shoddy health and safety standards.

And it's not the first time countries have had trouble with Chinese products during the pandemic.  Canada recently discovered that one million Chinese masks were unfit for use.  If I were a California taxpayer or medical worker, I'd be very worried right now given that Gov. Gavin Newsom just gave the Chinese a billion-dollar contract to produce masks.

As one columnist correctly noted, "Made In China" 
should be a warning, not merely a disclaimer about the country of origin.

Thankfully, in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, the Trump Administration is "turbocharging" efforts to liberate vital supply chains from communist China.  The White House is reportedly looking at a variety of options – from tax incentives for "re-shoring" jobs to creating an "economic prosperity alliance" of allied nations like Australia, India, Japan, South Korea and Latin America.

One senior administration official told Reuters, "There is a whole of government push on this." Another added, "The pandemic has crystallized all the worries that people have had about doing business with China."  I'm glad to hear it.  It's long overdue.

Every day there is more evidence about how China lied and continues to lie regarding the virus.  The Trump Administration and its congressional allies are taking steps to hold Beijing's communist bosses responsible.  (
Herehere and here.)

Yet there is not one idea or legislative proposal coming from Chuck Schumer or Nancy Pelosi to deal with China.  They will not allow themselves to be diverted from their goal of blaming President Trump for the virus.  And when he correctly blames China, they accuse Trump of trying to distract us.

One commentator on Fox News last night noted that if Joe Biden wins the presidency, there will be celebrations in Beijing and Tehran.  We know he will lift sanctions on Iran and go back to business as usual with China.  Check out the Trump campaign's latest ad.  Like on so many other issues, Biden has been consistently wrong on China.

“A Chinese Trojan Horse”

I know you've heard of high-tech companies like Google and Facebook.  
But you probably haven't heard of a company that goes by the initials DJI.  It's a drone manufacturer based in Shenzhen, China.

We've reported about the controversial use of drones by local police departments to enforce social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic. If that worried you a little, then what you're about to read next should worry you a lot.

It's likely that these drones were made by this Chinese communist-controlled company.

In recent years, DJI drastically cut its prices, driving virtually every American drone manufacturer out of business.  Fortunately, the Trump Administration and the Pentagon banned the use of DJI drones in the U.S. military.  But the Chinese have given the drones away for free to dozens of U.S. police departments.

But the Department of Defense recently determined that these drones are being used to collect voluminous data about the United States, and they are sending that data back to their manufacturers in China, where it can be accessed by the communist regime there.

These drones may be a modern-day Trojan Horse, built by a communist-controlled company in China that wants to be the world's dominant superpower.

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Campaign for Working Families
PO Box 1222
Merrifield, VA  22116-1222



Phone: 703-671-8800
Fax: 703-671-8899
