“Pro-Lifers Must Keep Waco from Making a Terrible Decision”
By Donna Garner

If a person wants to speak (for three minutes) at the upcoming Waco City Council meeting (Aug. 2 2022), you will need to get there 15 to 20 minutes before 6:00 P. M. to sign up to speak. If has been reported that there may be a problem trying to register online ahead of time.
John Pisciotta of Pro-Life Waco will be speaking. We need many others to do the same. You do not have to live in the city of Waco to attend nor to speak.
I have found nothing on the Waco City Council website which prohibits members of the public from wearing pro-life identifiers (e.g., T-shirts, badges, pens, etc.) to the meeting. To have a strong visual presence there would be wonderful!
REMEMBER: Just the presence of pro-lifers will send a clear message that we do not want Waco to turn into a GRACE Act city where the DA and Waco Police Department circumvent the new anti-abortion laws by avoiding investigating and prosecuting people who are abortion providers.
So far these elected Texas DA’s have signed on to support the GRACE Act: Denton, Bexar (San Antonio), Dallas, Fort Bend, Nueces (Corpus Christi), and Travis counties. WE MUST NOT ALLOW WACO TO JOIN THEM!
Aug. 2, 2022 – 6:00 P. M.
Waco Convention Center – Bosque Theater
100 Washington Avenue
Waco, Texas 76701
The official agenda for the Aug. 2 Waco City Council meeting will not be posted until 72 hrs. before the meeting (on Friday, July 30). This means that the public will not know whether the GRACE Act will be on the 8.2.22 agenda until the official posting on July 30. Registration to speak begins 15 minutes before the 8.2.22 meeting.
Whether you plan to speak or not, please send an e-mail to the Waco City Council voicing your disapproval of the GRACE Act coming to Waco: [email protected]
In your e-mail, please feel free to use any of the information in my 7.23.22 article posted further on down the page.
DETAILS ABOUT SPEAKING AT THE MEETING: https://www.waco-texas.com/council-information.asp#gsc.tab=0
Individuals are welcome to register to speak:
- Online at Speaker Online Registration by 5pm the day before the meeting
- Calling the City Secretary's Office at 254-750-5750
- Emailing the City Secretary's Office at [email protected]
“Waco Citizens Must Speak Up – No More Abortions Here”
By Donna Garner
At the Waco City Council meeting on Tuesday, 7.19.22, Mayor Dillon Meek asked the City Council Members for suggestions of topics to be put on upcoming agendas.
Waco City Councilwoman Kelly Palmer (District Four) made an emotion-laden plea to try to persuade the Mayor and the City Council Members to make Waco a GRACE ACT city in defiance of the overturning of Roe v Wade.
In other words, Kelly Palmer thinks the killing of babies in the womb is fine; and she is trying to persuade Waco to do a work-around the new anti-abortion laws.
Under the GRACE ACT, Palmer is advocating for the Waco District Attorney and the Waco Police Department to choose to avoid investigating and prosecuting people who are abortion providers.
However, Councilwoman Kelly Palmer “forgot” to mention some very important points:
POINT #1: Under the existing laws, friends, family members, and anyone else who aids in a prohibited abortion could potentially be vulnerable to civil and administrative penalties, even if a prosecutor won’t bring criminal charges.
POINT #2: Texas State Rep. Briscoe Cain (R-Deer Park) has said he plans to propose legislation that would empower district attorneys to prosecute abortion-related crimes all across the state, even if LOCAL DA’s and the POLICE refuse to do so...
This means that even if the Waco City Council decided Waco should become a GRACE ACT city, the DA’s from other places in Texas could prosecute abortion-related crimes in Waco.
POINT #3: Texas’ trigger ban makes it a felony to perform an abortion except to save the life of the mother. But the law also requires the Texas attorney general to file a civil lawsuit against anyone who performs a prohibited abortion for “not less than $100,000 for each violation,” and revoke the license of any health care provider involved in the procedure.
POINT #4: The Texas Legislature passed SB 8 which empowers private citizens to bring civil lawsuits against anyone who “aids or abets” an abortion after about six weeks of pregnancy.
“Individuals are welcome to register to speak” at Waco City Council Meetings.
How to register to speak: https://www.waco-texas.com/council-information.asp#gsc.tab=0
Waco City Council Members and Staff: https://www.waco-texas.com/council.asp#gsc.tab=0
City of Waco Map To Find out Your District Number: https://www.waco-texas.com/district-map.asp#gsc.tab=0
Mayor Dillon Meek: https://www.waco-texas.com/cms/forms/contactus.aspx?name=Dillon%20Meek#gsc.tab=0
District One: Andrea J. Barefield -- https://www.waco-texas.com/cms/forms/contactus.aspx?name=Andrea%20J.%20Barefield#gsc.tab=0
District Two: Alice Rodriguez -- https://www.waco-texas.com/cms/forms/contactus.aspx?name=Alice%20Rodriguez#gsc.tab=0
District Three: Josh Borderud -- https://www.waco-texas.com/council-three.asp#gsc.tab=0
District Four: Kelly Palmer -- https://www.waco-texas.com/cms/forms/contactus.aspx?name=Kelly%20Palmer#gsc.tab=0 and [email protected]
District Five: Jim Holmes -- https://www.waco-texas.com/cms/forms/contactus.aspx?name=Jim%20Holmes#gsc.tab=0
6.25.22 – “Local efforts to decriminalize abortion in Texas likely won’t help clinics stay open” -- by Eleanor Klibanoff – Texas Tribune
Excerpts from this article:
7.20.22 – “Waco councilwoman suggests city ‘de-prioritize’ criminalization of abortion” -- By Todd Unger – KXXV.com
Excerpts from this article: