8.9.22 – Newsmax

“Rudy Giuliani to Newsmax: Trump Raid 'Worst Day' in FBI's History”
by Sandy Fitzgerald

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The FBI's raid at former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida is "probably the worst day" in the agency's history, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who has served as Trump's attorney, told Newsmax.

"We've done nothing about the FBI, and for three years, they've been acting like the state police rather than the FBI, and now the Biden state police," Giuliani said on Newsmax's "Prime News" on Monday night after the raid. "This is an outrageous act. It's a disgrace."

Trump attorney Christina Bobb on Monday said the FBI seized documents from Mar-a-Lago, located in Palm Beach. Bobb, a former OAN host, was present for the search. Trump was in New York when the agents were in his Florida home. 

"But why are we surprised?" Giuliani said of Wray, who was appointed by Trump, adding that the FBI director "hid" the hard drive from the laptop owned by President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, "for a year and a half."

"The hard drive contains evidence that the president of the United States, that his family, got $31 million from China, our biggest enemy, and nobody cares that he may be compromised," Giuliani said. "He [Biden] acts like he's compromised. He gave up an air base 400 miles from China, and he got $31 million from China."

But "nobody raids his home," said Giuliani, citing other examples of questionable issues believed to have been uncovered on the drive.

"Nobody raided Joe Biden when he was involved in a $3.1 million money-laundering scheme with Ukraine. That's on paper ... there are crimes on that hard drive that prove that the Biden family is a racketeering family."

This leaves Americans asking why the FBI hasn't raided other homes, including those of Hunter Biden or the Clintons, said Giuliani. 

He added that he hadn't spoken yet with anyone in the Trump family after the FBI's raid, which he called an "outrage."

Giuliani also slammed Attorney General Merrick Garland and called him "a disgrace."

"I can't believe that he was thought of for the Supreme Court," he said. "Thank God he wasn't put on the Supreme Court. That's a lifetime appointment. At least we'll be rid of him in a few years."

He also said he wants to know why the Republicans, "if they had any gumption" haven't filed any impeachment proceedings against Biden. 

"[Trump] said the other night, you know, sort of joking like, that he was persecuted. He's right, and to think of what you accomplished, but what they did to him and where we are now with this," said Giuliani.

Giuliani was to have testified Tuesday before a special grand jury in Atlanta investigating whether Trump and others illegally tried to interfere in the 2020 general election in Georgia, but was excused by the court's judge, his lawyer said Monday.

On Monday night, however, Giuliani turned his fury on another Trump investigation, the one in the House concerning the Jan. 6 events at the Capitol.

"These are the same people who lied to us about Russian collusion," Giuliani told Newsmax. "They were all telling us there was Russian collusion for three years and I knew it was false.

"They were all telling us about how Trump bribed the president of Ukraine. That turns out not to be true. The hard drive proves that's not true. It proved that Biden did that."

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