6.23.22 – Newsmax

“Supreme Court Strikes New York Gun Law in Major Ruling”
By Jeffrey Rodack


Excerpts from this article:


The Supreme Court, in a 6-3 decision, ruled Thursday that the Constitution provides a right to carry a gun outside the home.

In a statement on its website, the National Rifle association applauded the high court’s decision: “The National Rifle Association [NRA] welcomes the Supreme Court’s decision. The court affirmed that the right to bear arms does not stop at a person’s front door. This is the most significant Second Amendment ruling in more than a decade.”

Wayne LaPierre, the NRA’s executive vice president, added: “Today’s ruling is a watershed win for good men and women all across America and is the result of a decades-long fight the NRA has led.

The right to self-defense and to defend your family and loved ones should not end at your home. This ruling brings life-saving justice to law-abiding Americans who have lived under unconstitutional regimes all across our country, particularly in cities and states with revolving door criminal justice systems, no cash bail and increased harassment of law-enforcement.

…The Associated Press reported the high court’s decision is expected to ultimately permit more people to legally carry guns on the streets of  major cities in the U.S., including New York,, Los Angeles, and Boston...