5.12.21 – “The Truth and Dangers of COVID Jabs”
– by Kelleigh Nelson and Devvy Kid – News with Views – GREAT
Two well-documented articles – Kelleigh Nelson and Devvy Kidd:

5.11.21 – “The COVID Jab, a Genocidal Weapon of Mass Destruction” -- by Kelleigh Nelson – NewsWithViews -- https://newswithviews.com/the-covid-jab-a-genocidal-weapon-of-mass-destruction/
Quotes from this article:
In Leo Hohmann’s recent article, he states that America has had 3,544 deaths and 12,619 serious injuries reported between Dec. 14, 2020 and April 23, 2021, yet it is left to patients to report adverse effects to Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System (VAERS). Hohmann included Alex Newman’s 30-minute interview with Dr. Peter McCullough, essential information. McCullough holds the honor of being the most cited medical doctor on COVID-19 treatments at the National Library of Medicine, with more than 600 citations. He has testified before Congress and won numerous awards during his distinguished medical career. He said if this were any other vaccine it would have been pulled from the market by now for safety reasons.
“A typical new drug at about five deaths, unexplained deaths, we get a black-box warning, your listeners would see it on TV, saying it may cause death,” McCullough said. “And then at about 50 deaths it’s pulled off the market.”
The U.S. has a precedent for this. In 1976 during the Swine Flu pandemic the U.S. attempted to vaccinate 55 million Americans, but at that point the shot caused about 500 cases of paralysis and 25 deaths.
“The program was killed, at 25 deaths,” McCullough said.
But billions of Covid-vaccines are being made. Pfizer’s Covid vaccine earned the company $3.5 billion in the first three months of this year, 25% of Pfizer’s total revenue, which I don’t have a problem with, but no one is stopping this mRNA inoculation, and it has already killed thousands and injured thousands more.
In less than four months, the Covid inoculations have caused nearly 4,000 deaths, and that is more than all other vaccines administered in the US between mid-1997 and the end of 2013…nearly 15 years.
Harvard Medical School did a study of VAERS, paid for by the CDC, and they determined that less than one percent of vaccine adverse events are reported. Physicians won’t even acknowledge the deaths and side effects of these injections, so it’s up to the patient or their family to report it. If healthcare workers do not know of VAERS, certainly most Americans don’t either.
A startling new report in *Microbiology and Infectious Disease* finds the mRNA vaccines could trigger Alzheimer’s disease, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), and other neurological and cognitive degenerative diseases.
5.10.21 – “PCR Lawsuits – Should Hospitals Be Included?” -- By Devvy Kidd -- NewsWithViews -- https://newswithviews.com/pcr-lawsuits-should-hospitals-be-included/
Quotes from this article:
Latest data from VAERS are still weeks behind in posting which I believe is deliberate.
As of May 5, 2021, the number has jumped to 4,178, another 692 dead Americans. The number of deaths from those experimental shots now equals total number of deaths for all vaccines over the past 20 years.
As of April 30th: 10,715 hospitalizations, 21,623 Urgent Care, 26,046 Office Visits, 834 Anaphylaxis (completely under reported I covered before), 942 Bell’s Palsy, 1,132 Heart Attacks, 213 Miscarriages, 7,463 Severe Allergic Reactions, 822 Thrombocytopenia/Low Platlet
It’s not just here in the U.S. It’s all over Europe, Israel and other countries. 8,430 DEAD 354,177 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”, April 29, 2021, Health Impact News
I was HORRIFIED when I read those deadly cocktails were now deemed safe for children. Children being used as human guinea pigs. Pfizer and Moderna are going through clinical trials for about 10,000 children, some as young as six months. My God, when will this horror story never end? A two-year old baby dead in six days. She was given the second Pfizer mRNA experimental shot on February 25, dead March 3, 2021.
VAERS ID 1261766 involved a year-old baby boy in Florida who suffered convulsions and seizures after the Moderna shot and died 2 days later. Health Impact News, May 7, 2021
16-Year-Old Wisconsin Girl DEAD Following 2 Doses of the Experimental Pfizer COVID Injections, Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News
15-Year-Old Boy Dies Of Heart Attack Two Days After Taking Pfizer Vaccine, Had No History Of Allergic Reactions, May 1, 2021 – This boy who lived in Colorado is listed in VAERS. Another perfectly healthy child dead within two days.
28-Year-Old PhD Physical Therapist DEAD 2 Days After Being Injected with COVID Experimental mRNA Vaccine, Feb. 26, 2021. Her name was Haley Link Brinkmeyer. Another healthy young woman with her whole life ahead of her dead within two days of taking one of those experimental mRNA gene editing technology shots.
April 30, 2021: Tennessee Woman Left Paralyzed And Unable To Walk After Taking Pfizer Vaccine (After second Pfizer shot). This mother of three has a name: Brandy Parker McFadden
Anne VanGeest, 35, died April 19 at Mercy Health Saint Mary’s in Grand Rapids. Her family said Anne received the Johnson & Johnson experimental mRNA experimental gene editing technology shot. Now this mother, wife, daughter, sister is dead.
48-Year-Old Surgeon DEAD after Mocking “Anti-vaxxers” and Writing His Own Obituary after Moderna COVID Injections, May 7, 2021, Health Impact News. “First dose of experimental Moderna mRNA on January 6, according to his Facebook page. He received the second dose on February 3.”
Young man suffers HEART ATTACK after getting injected with Pfizer vaccine, May 5, 2021, Ethan Huff – “Schulz’s doctor says there have been other young men admitted to the same hospital with the same complications. Both the Moderna and the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) injections are causing these problems as well. “Young men, 18-30 years old, going through mild to severe cardiac events post vaccine,” Schulz writes. “This is scary. It’s official. I have myocarditis.”
“… the PCR-Test for the detection of an infection was invented by now infamous Prof. Drosten. At the beginning of January of 2020, based on this very basic knowledge, Mr. Drosten developed his PCR test, which supposedly detects an infection with Sars Cov 2. Without ever having seen the real Wuhan virus from China, only having learned from social media reports that there was something going on in Wuhan, he started tinkering on his computer with what would become his Corona PCR test.
“For this, he used an old Sars virus hoping it would be sufficiently similar to the allegedly new strain of the Corona virus found in Wuhan. Then he sent the result of his computer tinkering to China to determine whether the victims of the alleged new corona virus tested positive. They did, and that was enough for the WHO to sound the pandemic alarm and to recommend the worldwide use of the Drosten PCR test for the detection of infections with the virus now called Sars COV 2.”
“You have to have a whopping amount of any organism to cause symptoms. Huge amounts of it,” Dr. David Rasnick, bio-chemist, protease developer, and former founder of an EM lab called Viral Forensics told me. “You don’t start with testing; you start with listening to the lungs. I’m skeptical that a PRC test is ever true. It’s a great scientific research tool. It’s a horrible tool for clinical medicine. 30% of your infected cells have been killed before you show symptoms. By the time you show symptoms…the dead cells are generating the symptoms.”
You see, the nightmare is just beginning in the legal world. While Americans continue to die, are left permanently disabled and their lives changed forever, they are learning the truth which is why there is such a huge surplus of shots.
Pfizer COVID vaccine trial shows alarming evidence of pathogenic priming in older adults – Some of the world’s top vaccine-promoters are warning about unique and frightening dangers inherent in developing a coronavirus vaccine. Dec. 11, 2020.
“However, when the scientists exposed the vaccinated animals to the wild virus, the results were horrifying. Vaccinated animals suffered hyper-immune responses including inflammation throughout their bodies, especially in their lungs.
COVID Vaccine Shots Kill Thousands And Send Even More People To Hospitals, Leading Doctor Says, April 30, 2021, Anton Carillo. National Library of Medicine lead doctor Dr. Peter McCullough, “One of the world’s top COVID-19 experts, warned the public about the deadly consequence of using the vaccine in an interview with The New American magazine. “McCullough stated that thousands of deaths have already been reported from the administration of the vaccines. Despite this, the American government continues with its mass vaccination program….
“…the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention normally take off from the market any drug that has been reported with 50 deaths based on their VAERS surveillance system. Yet none has been done on the COVID-19 vaccines. McCullough cited, during his interview, precedents in American history with regards to the use of vaccines like the influenza that took out trials when deaths of 25 persons were recorded…”
“In a public comment to the CDC, molecular biologist and toxicologist Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., called to immediately halt Covid vaccine production and distribution. Citing fertility, blood-clotting concerns (coagulopathy), and immune escape, Dr. Lindsay explained to the committee the scientific evidence showing that the coronavirus vaccines are not safe.
“On April 23, 2021, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices held a meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. The focus of this ACIP meeting was blood clotting disorders following Covid vaccines. Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay spoke to the CDC during the time set aside for public comment.
“Hi, my name is Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay. I hold a doctorate in biochemistry and molecular biology from the University of Texas, and have over 30 years of scientific experience, primarily in toxicology and mechanistic biology.
“In the mid-1990s, I aided the development of a temporary human contraceptive vaccine which ended up causing unintended autoimmune ovarian destruction and sterility in animal test models. Despite efforts against this and sequence analyses that did not predict this.
“I strongly feel that all the gene therapy vaccines must be halted immediately due to safety concerns on several fronts”. Janci Chunn Lindsay: Covid vaccines could induce cross-reactive antibodies to syncytin, and impair fertility as well as pregnancy outcomes. First, there is a credible reason to believe that the Covid vaccines will cross-react with the syncytin and reproductive proteins in sperm, ova, and placenta, leading to impaired fertility and impaired reproductive and gestational outcomes.