11.8.21 – News with Views
"The Unmasking of Dr. Mengele S. Fauci"
By Cherie Zaslawsky

[COMMENTS FROM DONNA GARNER: Cherie Zaslawsky is a talented writer with a brilliant mind. Her ability to present the truth in such a creative way makes her writing not only enticing to read but gives the reader fact-based, very important information upon which to make life-saving decisions. Hats off to Cherie Zaslawsky for having the courage and the amazing abilities to arm citizens with the truth. “The truth will set you free.” This means free from the fear created by “Fauch” and the rest of his public health cronies who are making a fortune at the expense of people’s lives.]
Irony of ironies: members of the feckless GOP that not only stood by while Dr. Snake Eyes brought America to her knees through bizarre, uncalled for “lockdowns” and “mask-ups,” but also did nothing as he pushed a dangerous experimental gene-disrupting shot on our public while virtually banning therapeutics that work against Covid, are now suddenly outraged and calling for his resignation—not because he’s responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths of Americans, which he is, but because he tortured puppies.
As we saw with Cuomo, who’s guilty of murdering thousands of elderly New Yorkers in nursing homes, but was taken down for having groped a woman, we can at times dethrone a perpetrator of evil, but we may never assault the narrative. So the Fauch can be removed, but the narrative he espoused for the past two years must remain intact and sacrosanct. Thus the Beagle puppies shall be sacrificed for the second time—this time to give their tormentor cover.
Why did the puppy story suddenly surface now? Perhaps in advance of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci, which is coming out on November 16th. And perhaps because some people are currently revisiting suspicious death of Kary Mullis—inventor of the PCR technique. Mullis has been dubbed “Fauci’s worst enemy.” He died in 2019 shortly before the PCR test, which he’d been adamant was only for research and should never be used diagnostically, was co-opted by the CDC et al.. Hmmmm….
But why the puppy story in the first place? Presumably the powers-that-be couldn’t find a woman willing to testify the Fauch had manhandled her against her will, so they had to look elsewhere to come up with a story that would arouse even Democrats against him, but would leave the Plandemic narrative intact…
Many of us have been watching Tony “the weasel” Fauci prevaricate time and again, while maintaining his duper’s delight sly half-smile, so the recent exposure of a new Faucian atrocity came as no surprise…
Did you know 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 doctors have filed a lawsuit against the CDC, the WHO and others who are responsible for foisting the experimental gene “therapy” inoculations on an unsuspecting public, charging them with violation the Nuremberg Code? And who has been the kingpin all along, holding the American people hostage—first, to a virus, then to a “vaccine”? Who indeed!
No doubt that in his new book, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will unearth many more crimes perpetrated by the good doctor, but just a cursory glance at Fauci’s relatively recent doings yields the following list:
- AIDS scandal: Promoted only the dangerous, toxic drug AZT for AIDS patients—“one of the most toxic, expensive and controversial drugs in the history of medicine,” according to investigative journalist Celia Farber.
Big Pharma made millions with Fauci helping to push “a drug that was worse than the disease, and killed faster than the natural progression of AIDS left untreated”. In 1989, says commentator Kim Iversen, Fauci started promoting the drug not only for critically ill AIDS patients, but for anyone who tested positive for HIV, including those who were asymptomatic and showed no sign of the disease. Hmmm…ring a bell, perhaps?
- Gain of Function: Consider this: If it hadn’t been for Herr Doktor Tony Felóny funding the original “gain-of-function” research that resulted in SARS-CoV-2, we would never have experienced this “pandemic,” there would be no vaccine mandates, Trump would still be President, our small businesses would be flourishing, we would have been blissfully spared the toilet paper shortage, and life would have continued on as normal without missing a beat. I rest my case.
But in case you missed the background on this one: Fauci funded the creation of a bioweapon, which is what GoF [Gain of Function] is all about—first at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill under Ralph Baric—and then, when this dangerous research was declared illegal in the U.S., Fauci cleverly outsourced it to the infamous bioweapons lab in Wuhan, China.
The rest, as they say, is history.
- Discrediting/banning HCQ and Ivermectin: Early, safe treatment was not to be allowed! Doctor Evil put the kibosh on Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) which was saving lives around the world, saying it needed “further study.” Ummm…Tony…I’m curious. How come the brand new never-tried-before mRNA “vaccines” didn’t need further study?
Let’s take a look at some numbers: “Some medical experts have estimated that as many as 100,000 lives could potentially have been saved if Hydroxychloroquine had been widely used in 2020.” And here’s a tweet by Peter Navarro in June of 2021: “I had 60 million tablets of HCQ that Tony Fauci … wouldn’t allow the American public to use because of their Hydroxy Hysteria. Blood on @JohnBerman @cnn and Saint Fauci’s hands. More than 50,000 Americans would be alive today.”
As soon as President Trump recommended Hydroxychloroquine and rushed to secure millions of doses for the American people, Fauci did all he could to block our access to it. After all, with a real cure like HCQ plus zinc, who’d opt for a Frankensteinian vaccine?
- Shutting down America: Who can forget that in 2020, the Coronavirus Task Force’s Medical Director Faussolini more or less ordered Americans to stay home, mask up, “flatten the curve,” shut their businesses, keep their kids home from school, and wait to either get sick and die in a hospital, or to get the infamous Moderna vaccine from which his NIAID organization stood to handsomely profit. Never mind the “collateral damage” his program was wreaking: decimation of the middle class, evaporation of people’s life’s work, isolation, closed churches and synagogues, depression, suicides, untold hardship, increased poverty, and general misery for most Americans. But Fauci never blinked. In fact, he seems to thrive on making others suffer.
Of course, bringing America to her knees through the faux pandemic was the plan the Deep State and their globalist pals hatched to set President Trump up for failure by wiping out all his gains in the economy. Amazingly, the Trumpian landslide was so great that even after using the Plandemic to rationalize the need for dicey universal mail-in voting, the Dems still had to monkey with the Dominion cheating machines in the middle of the night to effect their planned coup d’etat. But I digress….
- Remdesivir: While the Fauch dealt the deathblow to HCQ and Ivermectin as treatments for Covid, he did see fit to promote one drug: Remdesivir. It may be a coincidence that HCQ and Ivermectin have been around for decades and are very cheap, and that Remdesivir is very new and extremely expensive. Make of that what you will.
However, it is also true that Remdesivir, not unlike AZT from Fauci’s checkered past, has an unfortunate tendency to kill at least 25% of the patients who take it, by damaging their kidneys. And tragically, it is being given to people in hospitals even against their will!
Dr. Bryan Ardis believes that the use of the dangerous Remdesivir drug is the #1 cause of deaths in COVID wards today, not COVID itself. He also states that hospitals are being incentivized financially to recommend Remdesivir over other drugs. Money talks.
- The Experimental mRNA vaccines: The Pièce de Résistance has got to be the Covid vaccines and the unconstitutional attempts to mandate them for, well…everyone—except for Congress and friends, that is. Many people have written at great length about the harm these dangerous inoculations do once injected into the body. One of the most serious ones, which seems to be pervasive, is the formation of tiny blood clots in one’s capillaries, that grow over time and go on to cause heart attacks or strokes, as well as harming other vital organs.
Tragically, we now have vaccinated children, especially boys, with myocarditis—inflammation of the heart. Dr. Roger Hodkinson, pathologist, had this to say: “Myocarditis is never mild, particularly in young healthy males. It’s an inflammation of the heart muscle, the pump of the body. …The big thing about heart muscle, heart muscle fibers, is that they do not regenerate.”
And you’ve probably read of pilots having strokes in mid-flight after being vaccinated for Covid. This is also an apparent result of the vaccine’s clot-forming mechanism—only one of the many mechanisms of injury from these shots…
In sum: If we were to add up all the deaths that can be laid at Fauci’s door, the number is at least in the hundreds of thousands, and could well be in the millions—and how many more are yet to come in the aftermath of the nationwide vaccine program?
Let’s face an uncomfortable fact: the estimable Dr. Fauci, revered by so many trusting Americans, appears to be a bona fide psychopath. Who but a psychopath would sneakily fund “gain-of–function” research courtesy of a bioweapons lab in Communist China, and then knowingly promote untested, experimental vaccines that cause people’s bodies to manufacture that very same dangerous “gain-of-function” spike protein, while dissuading people who were sick and likely to die if left untreated, from using truly safe and effective, inexpensive therapeutics such as HCQ and zinc, or Ivermectin? What is this if not a genocidal agenda, unleashed at least in part by a snake wearing a suit?
…Add that to the current VAERS numbers of Covid vaccine serious adverse events and deaths: Listed on Open VAERS, from December 2020 to October 29, 2021: 856,917 Adverse Events; Deaths: 18,409. These numbers are shocking. They are higher than the adverse events and deaths from all other vaccines in America from 1990 to the present. Why oh why is this carnage allowed to continue? Ask the smirking little man in the white lab coat.
At this point, the parallels to Dr. Mengele are legion.
…In any case, millions of Americans no doubt agree that we’re besieged by falsehoods, but point the finger back at you, Tony, since you and your Big Pharma cronies have been lying to us all along. And millions of us recognize the divisiveness you allude to, but view it as stemming from Beijing Biden’s stolen White House, Big Tech, Big Pharma and assorted allies, as they brutally stomp on our rights, including those of free speech, assembly, religion, and individual autonomy.
Millions of us realize the plan is to impoverish and enslave those of us who manage to escape your lethal injections. The globalist Cabal you serve may continue to try to herd us into conformity with their deadly and dystopian plans for depopulation and the so-called Great Reset.
But we’re not giving in or giving up. We’re not complying. Not now. Not ever...
E-Mail Cherie Zaslawsky: [email protected]