7.4.22 – Steve Kirsch Newsletter

“Two and 3-year-old kids with seizures is ‘the new normal’"
I'm getting multiple reports from my nurse friends about kids 2 and 3 years old having seizures. It is ONLY happening on vaccinated kids, and symptoms start 2 to 5 days after the COVID vaccine.

By Steve Kirsch


[COMMENTS BY DONNA GARNER:  Why would any caring parents ever allow their precious little babies and children to get the COVID vaccines?

Dr. Katarina Lindley of the World Council for Health gave testimony during the FDA public hearing.

She stated, “The CDC has assessed about 74.2 percent of children in the United States who have had COVID already. Over 150 studies show natural immunity is superior…THE INFECTION FATALITY RATE UNDER FIVE YEARS OF AGE IS 0.1 IN 100,000 OR…1 IN A MILLION.  THE RISK OF THE SHOT IN THE ALREADY IMMUNE IS HIGHER THAN 1 IN A MILLION.”

As expressed by a well-respected medical doctor, “These COVID jabs for children are ALL RISK AND NO BENEFIT!”

If you are not familiar with who Steve Kirsch is, please see his creds that I posted at the bottom of this page.]


Excerpts from this article:


Doctors are mystified by a rash of seizures, rashes, etc. happening to 2 and 3-year-old kids.

The only thing these kids have in common is that they were given the COVID vaccine just days earlier (two to five days earlier).

The doctors cannot figure out what is causing the seizures (since it couldn’t be the vaccine since those are safe and effective). The medical staff is not permitted to talk about the cases to the press or on social media or they will be fired.

One nurse posted something to the effect of “how is this legal????” …

This is why you are hearing these reports from me. They can’t fire me.

There is nothing on the mainstream media about this since the nurses and doctors aren’t allowed to talk about it.

This will all come out some day, but for now, everyone is keeping quiet about it and the doctors are instructed to convince the parents that it isn’t vaccine related and that they are the only ones having the problem


WHO IS STEVE KIRSCH?  He is an American multi-millionaire who got his BS and MS in electrical engineering and computer science from MIT.  To name a few:  He and a fellow engineer/scientist invented the first optical mouse.  Kirsch went on to develop a digital identity system tied to cryptography and a widely-used spam filter. He has been an entrepreneur in the marketing of blockchains and of other ground-breaking endeavors. He is independently wealthy, brilliant, and saw through the lies being perpetrated by Dr. Fauci et al. about the COVID pandemic. His “Steve Kirsch Newsletter” carries some of the best COVID medical research available where “he writes about COVID corruption, censorship, mandates, masking, and early treatments…America is being misled by formerly trusted authorities.”